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promises without deadlines or financing – ADN

(ADN).- The national government would have committed to resuming some unfinished works in Río Negro, but did not define a start time or financing. They would be the sanitation (water and sewage) of Enohsa for Roca and Catriel that have the approved projects and international subsidy defined by the government of Alberto Fernández.

In principle, there is only a commitment to resume national routes 22, 23 and 151, according to the newspaper Río Negro, which reported a meeting between Rio Negro officials (Alejandro Echarren and Pedro Sánchez) with their national counterparts, hours before the treatment of the Law. Bases in the Senate.

The peculiarity is that the Minister of Public Works and the head of the DPA asked about the transfer of national routes, and that was left for a second meeting. A contradiction, at least, if it is announced to resume the works that Río Negro intends for itself and carry them out with the public-private system and the placement of tolls.

Routes 22 and 151 are the ones that governors Alberto Weretilneck and Rolando Figueroa asked the Nation to transfer to them. Previously, the national representative of La Libertad Avanza, Lorena Villaverde, had assured that these works would be taken up by the Nation.

But national officials did not have that information and asked for a second meeting. In this conclave, they will also answer other questions such as the financing of the Bariloche hospital.

What the Secretary of Public Works of the Nation, Luis Giovine, and the director of Enohsa, Vicente Heredia, did flatly rule out is recovering or allocating funds for hospitals, schools and bus terminals that the mayors demand.

Another issue that would also have had a positive approval is the international tender for routes 6 and 8. Also without deadlines.


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