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CCC puts the magnifying glass on main contractors of 13 entities in Manizales


The Caldas Civic Corporation (CCC) provides an analysis of the hiring individual in the first quarter of the year 13 decentralized entities of Manizales from responses to petition rights and public data. He Minor Reception Center He did not answer the questions, so he does not appear in the report.

This is the second installment that LA PATRIA makes of this CCC investigation. Click here to read part one: Behind the curtain: Caldas Civic Corporation shows how they hired 14 entities

Aerial Cable Association

Legal representative: Andrés Felipe Ortiz Álvarez. The entity no.or answer yes OrtYoz has already reported his declaration of conflict of interest, assets and income, required by the Law 2013 of 2019. Tdoes not appear in the Application for Public Integrity.

Main contractors

  1. Ektec Colombia (direct hiring): $160,605,227
  2. Human factor (abbreviated selection of smaller amounts): $130,887,963
  3. Heidy Lorena Silva Soto (direct hiring): $69,200,000
  4. Carolina Marquez Yepes* (direct hiring): $58,753,200
  5. Audicons (direct hiring): $53,520,000

*He also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

22 contracts analyzed:

  • 3 do not specify the contracting modality.
  • 2 do not have the name of the legal representative.
  • 9 do not include the document number of the legal representative.

CCC Warnings

  • Make appropriate use of service provision contracts that become permanent and could typify a parallel payroll.
  • 70.5% of the contracts were through direct hiring. You are invited to carry out transparent and equal processes.

Institute of Culture and Tourism (today Events and Tourism Promoter)

Legal representative: Monica Londono Arango. She has already submitted her conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. Inhouse BTL (direct contracting): $859,425,000
  2. Intual (direct hiring): $747,076,500
  3. Corporation for the Promotion of Popular Recreation and Human Development (direct hiring): $629,131,781
  4. AM Strategic Communication* (direct hiring): $608,206,387
  5. Productions Axis* (direct contracting): $564,840,000

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

234 contracts analyzed:

  • 27 not specifiedan the contracting modality
  • 125 have errors in the end date of the contracts.
  • 3 they do not clarify the name of the supplier.
  • 18 not proportionan the name of the legal representative.
  • 89 no indicationan the document number of the legal representative.

CCC Warnings

  • 85% of the contracts were through direct hiring. Public offers are encouraged to be implemented.


Legal representative: Daniel Cuervo Sierra. He has already submitted his conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. Various Health Services Union (direct hiring): $1,969,281,979
  2. Gedecol* (public invitation): $270,000,000
  3. Roche products* (direct contracting): $200,000,000
  4. Solidarity Insurance Company of Colombia* (direct contracting): $122,048,303
  5. Bioservices* (direct contracting with request for offers): $86,606,365

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

There is no information in Secop II about the awarded contractors and their legal representatives.

CCC Warnings

  • 85% of 308 contracts signed were for the provision of services. It is suggested to review the possibility of modifying the work plan.
  • 88% of the total value of the contracts was awarded directly, which does not guarantee competition.

Manizales waters

Legal representative: Jorge Eliécer Rivillas Herrera. No has presented your declaration of conflict of interest. Aguas claims not to be obliged to present it.

Main contractors

  1. Bank of Bogota* (special regime): $5,200,000,000
  2. Fernando Paez Restrepo* (special regime): $2,348,453,343
  3. Aguas Consortium 2024 (special regime): $2,148,453,816
  4. Colombian Logistics Services* (special regime): $1,842,019,897
  5. Your luck* (special regime): $1,311,251,146

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

There is no information in Secop II about the awarded contractors and their legal representatives.

CCC Warnings

  • It is not possible to determine in Secop the contracting modality used.

Manizales Urban Renewal and Development Company (Erum)

Legal representative: Margarita Ospina Guzmán. He has already submitted his conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. Axa Colpatria Seguros* (direct contracting): $107,346,195
  2. DLL Engineering* (direct hiring): $22,074,090
  3. Juan José Quintero Sucerquia (direct hiring): $15,600,000
  4. Engineering and Software Solutions* (direct hiring): $15,329,873
  5. Claudia Patricia Vargas del Río (direct hiring): $12,000,000

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

In the Secop II report in Open Data, the information on the legal representatives of the suppliers is incomplete.

CCC Warnings

  • The lack of complete data affects transparency and access to information.

Municipal Health Company (Emsa) – Manizales Lottery

Legal representative: Angela María Osorio Aguirre. He has already submitted his conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. Dispapels* (public call): $297,519,040
  2. Telecafé* (direct invitation): $155,601,438
  3. Azen* (direct invitation): $66,485,662
  4. ICTM* (direct invitation): $50,000,000
  5. Erica Restrepo Quiceno (direct invitation): $18,000,000

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

In the Secop II report on Open Data no this the information of the legal representatives of the suppliers.

Ideas More

Legal representative: Esteban Restrepo Uribe, liquidator of the company and general secretary of Infimanizales. He has already submitted his conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. Auditors and Consultants* (direct hiring): $5,126,520
  2. Apolo Engineering* (direct hiring): $1,980,000
  3. Chamber of Commerce of Manizales (direct hiring): $426,000

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

In the Secop II report in Open Data there is no information about the awarded contractors and their legal representatives.

Manizales Transport Terminal

Legal representative: Benjamín Humberto Ocampo Arenas. In the response to the right of petition he does not answern Yeah submitted his declaration of conflict of interest yen the Application for Public Integrity does not this.

Main contractors

  1. Seguridad Diez (public tender and minimum amount): $515,583,497
  2. Bioservices* (smaller amount): $246,284,704
  3. Technology Consultants* (direct hiring): $54,166,116
  4. ICTM* (direct hiring): $40,000,000
  5. Fumic Anti-Pest Defense (minimum amount): $28,874,083

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

The Secop II data set in Open Data has almost complete information, except for some legal representatives of the suppliers.

CCC Warnings

  • Of 13 contracts with natural persons, 9 are related to permanent and missionary activities, which generates a parallel payroll risk.

Institute of Financing, Promotion and Development of Manizales (Infimanizales)

Legal representative: Hernán González Cardona. He has already submitted his conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. C&T Accountants and Technology (direct hiring): $416,500,000
  2. ICTM* (direct contracting): $380,000,000
  3. People Contact* (direct hiring): $378,976,554
  4. Solution Systems* (direct contract): $268,720,800
  5. Mario Pinzón Medina* (direct hiring): $80,080,000

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

The information is complete in the Secop.

CCC Warnings

  • 59.4% of the entity’s hiring was carried out directly and 36.3% through the direct modality with offers, adding up to a total of 95.7%. This does not guarantee competition.

People Contact

Legal representative: Juan José Silva Serna. In the response to the right to petition they say that the official should not present the declaration of conflict of interest.

Main contractors

  1. Seguros Generales Suramericana (public invitation): $318,816,833
  2. Intual (private invitation): $238,000,000
  3. N&V LE (contracting request): $212,228,395
  4. La Previsora ​​(public invitation): $198,550,686
  5. Cooviser (private invitation): $141,220,388

The information in Secop is complete. However, in the contracting modality they only used 2 options: special regime and undefined. You have to open the contracts to find out about public offers.

CCC Warnings

  • The entity is reluctant to answer the estimated value of the contracts it expects to register with Secop in 2024, its Annual Procurement Plan or whether its manager reported its declaration of conflict of interest.

San Isidro Hospital

Legal representative: Martha Patricia Zapata Gómez. The answer to the question of whether he submitted his conflict of interest declaration is inaccurate. The consultation in the SIGEP returns a negative result.

Main contractors

  1. Impact Recreation Foundation* (direct hiring): $327,800,000
  2. Sintrasersalud* (direct hiring): $294,318,988
  3. Temporary Effective Solutions* (direct hiring): $98,336,523
  4. JYJ Union Laundries* (direct hiring): $90,585,000
  5. Mauricio Arbeláez Román* (direct hiring): $50,400,600

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

When verifying the information in Secop, a poor filling of names of suppliers and legal representatives is observed.

CCC Warnings

  • There is concern about the legal risk associated with the possible classification of employment contracts in service provision relationships.

Caldas Hospital

Legal representative: The management of the Caldas Hospital is headed by the manager of the San Isidro Hospital. They answer that No must present the declaration of conflict of interest.

Main contractors

  1. Laura Marcela Días Luna* (direct hiring): $16,500,000
  2. Integrasoft* (direct contract): $12,926,160
  3. Audicons* (direct hiring): $9,675,000
  4. CDI Interactive* (direct contract): $9,316,000
  5. Gloria Patricia Osorio* (direct hire): $8,210,580

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

The information available in the Secop has flaws in records of legal representatives and their identity documents.

CCC Warnings

42% of the contracts signed by the institution correspond to service provision contracts that are renewed for short periods. It is recommended to verify these conditions.

Manizales Valorization Institute (Invama)

Legal representative: Jairo Alfredo López Baena. He has already submitted his conflict of interest declaration.

Main contractors

  1. People Contact* (direct hiring): $244,000,000
  2. Internacional de Eléctricos* (abbreviated selection with reverse auction): $154,693,080
  3. ICTM* (direct hiring): $150,000,000
  4. Vigitecol (smaller abbreviated selection): $126,513,345
  5. Smart TMT* (direct contracting): $87,513,160

*They also contracted with the Mayor’s Office of Carlos Mario Marín.

The information is complete in the Secop.

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