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Mayor Carter announces support for Republican for metropolitan governor

After announcing his candidacy for the Chile Vamos presidential primaries and stating that “I am going to beat Evelyn Matthei,” the mayor of Florida, Rodolfo Carter, continues to generate noise within the opposition alliance, this time to the present their support to the Republican Macarena Santelices for the metropolitan governorshipto the detriment of the letter of the UDI Isabel Plá.

This action by Carter adds to the criticism that he has recently leveled against his own sector, which, together with the support given to candidates from other parties – such as Santelices – have raised questions from the center-right.

And this is the second time that Carter supports a Republican letter to the detriment of his own coalition: he had already expressed his support for Ruth Hurtado for mayor in Recoleta, at a time when the UDI is proposing Mauricio Smok and the RN is proposing Felipe Cross.

According to reports from his circle, the mayor Carter met this Tuesday with Macarena Santelices, with the aim of working together for the municipal elections next October.

On the occasion, the communal authority stated that “To defeat the governors and mayors of Gabriel Boric, a regional governor is needed who puts Chile first and Macarena Santelices is by far the best candidate “that meets all the necessary competencies to defeat Claudio Orrego.”

In this regard, he highlighted that “This October 27 we need to change course and we will not do so if we are not united.”

For his part, Santelices said that “I sincerely appreciate the support of Rodolfo Carter, who has always known how to put the good of the people above the political struggle. They have been three lost years for the Metropolitan Region, with a governor who has dedicated himself to traveling and has not faced the emergencies of the region. “We are going to put safety at the top of our priorities and we are going to dedicate all our strength to turning the Metropolitan Region into a safe place to live and work.”


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