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Holguín promotes delivery of support means

The province of Holguín promotes the delivery of means of support to people with severe disabilities, as part of the social programs created by the Cuban Revolution in favor of vulnerable sectors.

These implements, including canes, crutches and wheelchairs, impact inclusion projects for this population group, since they contribute to mobility and facilitate transportation to work or study centers.

Oslaidis Cruz, an official of the Cuban Association of People with Physical-Motor Disabilities in the province, highlighted that despite the limitations caused by the US blockade, in the eastern territory there is a workshop to produce the accessories.

He indicated that annually about three thousand members of that organization receive these means used in their travel, where school-age children are prioritized.

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The official pointed out that as a way to maintain the vitality of this strategy, science and technological innovation are applied focused on the replacement of imported components, including the bands of spinal prostheses and devices for its correction.

He stated that solutions are being sought that guarantee the manufacturing of the wheelchair braking system, which are currently received through donations, as they have more than 10 percent of North American manufactured components.

Holguín is one of the Cuban provinces with the highest number of people with severe disabilities and promotes a comprehensive rehabilitation strategy, in which the Health, Education, Sports and Culture sectors are inserted.

With information from ACN

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