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The death toll rises to three and the injured 13 left by an explosion on Avenida del Río in Pereira

The latest report delivered by the manager of the San Jorge de Pereira University Hospital, Javier Alejandro Gaviria, reports the death of three people at the healthcare center. Santiago Emilio Silva, 54 years old, with 90% burns on his body, Maria Irsila Tazcón Medina, 82 years old, with 80% wounds on her skin, and Adriana del Socorro Hoyos, 61 years old, with 85% % of their body burned, all three with severe injuries to their airways, due to the gas explosion.

Gaviria reported that they received a total of 12 wounded, seven of them women and five men, of which two, a 30-year-old woman and what would be her 9-year-old daughter, were the most critical, after suffering burns on the 90% of your body.

Nine of the injured are still in the Intensive Care Unit, and from the medical center, at night, the referral of one of them to the Burns Unit of the Simón Bolívar Hospital in Bogotá was managed.

Juan Camilo Ballesteros, director of the Official Pereira Fire Department, recounted the events that occurred in this new emergency that would have taken place due to an alleged human failure when manipulating a stationary propane gas tank.

During the tragedy, a canine and a rabbit were affected by the flames; both were taken to the Ukumarí Biopark to receive care.

Mauricio Salazar, mayor of Pereira, stated that he has requested the Risaralda Sectional Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the emergency and determine the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle and the LPG, while establishing what is necessary for the relocation of the affected families.

The first investigations lead to the fact that the cylinders would be loaded in the low bed destined for the city of Ibagué, however, the purpose for which the vehicle was in the residential area is unknown.

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