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Authorities on alert due to violent actions of dissidents in Cúcuta


The authorities in Cúcuta and the metropolitan area are on high alert after the capture of “Alias ​​JJ”, an alleged FARC bomber who would have intentions of carrying out violent actions in the northern Santander capital.

Intelligence from the national police managed to detect the interest that the organization outside the law would have by order of “Alias ​​Mechas” to commit violent actions in the city with objectives aimed at the public force.

Due to this situation, alerts were generated in the National Police, the National Army, the Sectional Prosecutor’s Office, Cti and other entities to avoid being the target of terrorist actions by armed dissidents that commit crimes in this area of ​​the country.

It emerged that “Alias ​​JJ” had arrived in Cúcuta from the Catatumbo region, presumably with a group of militiamen in charge of conducting intelligence and determining the objectives that would be targeted by that guerrilla group.

Due to this situation, preventive, surveillance and intelligence actions of all State institutions have been redoubled to avoid situations that alter public order in the city and metropolitan area.


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