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Classes are suspended in the entire regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana and O’Higgins

What happened?

In the middle of the weather forecast by the frontal system in the central zone, the deputy minister of the Interior, Manuel Monsalvereported that it was decided to suspend classes in all four regions this Thursday and Friday, in addition to the Biobío region that already had the measure.

Specifically, these are the regions of Valparaíso, Metropolitana, O’Higgins and Coquimbo, areas that are expected to be affected by intense rains on these days.

All about Frontal System

What was reported about the suspension of classes?

Monsalve pointed out that “the national COGRID has made the decision to instruct through the regional seremis and the presidential delegates the total suspension of classes in the regions of O’Higgins, Metropolitana, Valparaíso and Coquimbo, on Thursdays and Fridays. “.


“This adds to a decision that had already been made in the Biobío region where the decision had been made to suspend all classes on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,” he said.


It should be noted that the Ministry of Education indicated that “in the case of the regions of Maule, Ñuble, La Araucanía and Los Ríos, during the afternoon we will report the situation of the establishments.”

In which educational establishments does the suspension of classes apply?

The surrogate minister explained that “the decision that has been made in COGRID affects the Preschool Educationregardless of who the holder is, to the basic education and secondary education“.

“This is not a suggestion. It has been requested that the seremis, through the preventive emergency decree, which was decreed from Coquimbo to the Ñuble region, enable the Education seremis, in this case of the four regions where we have taken the decision to be able to suspend classes compulsorily, independent of public or private supporters“he asserted.

“To higher education, which has autonomy, we have already asked the delegates to be able to transmit the information to the universities that the suggestion is madea, as a result of the climatic event and the risk that this implies, to suspend classes as well as possible,” he indicated.

Heavy rains and winds in the central area

Monsalve indicated that the measure was taken considering that “we have two meteorological alarms, one that affects the region of Ñuble and Biobío, which has a very intense frontal system, but that will continue to be affected during Wednesday afternoon and early morning. from Thursday”.

“But we also have a weather alarm for the regions of Coquimbo, for the region of Valparaíso, Metropolitana and O’Higgins, which will affect those regions from today, Wednesday night until Thursday night and until Friday “he added.

The authority explained that “a weather alarm implies a very intense weather event and that there is a high probability that it will materially affect people and put people’s lives at risk.”

“We’re going to have heavy rains, we are going to have intense winds. We are monitoring the channels, but there is a risk of overflow. We are monitoring, according to information from Sernageomin, the places with the highest frequency of mass removals, butor there are risks of mass removals“, held.

“The first call to people is to take care of themselves. If it is not necessary to leave the houses, do not do it“, he pointed.

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