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Due to carelessness, a 5-year-old boy drowned after falling into a pool in Girardota, Antioquia – Publimetro Colombia

The Girardota Community is shocked after the sad news about the death of a child of just 5 years old, which fell into the pool of a farm where the minor’s parents worked.

According to the preliminary report, the child’s parents worked as stewards of the property where the events occurred, in the El Barro village, in the municipality of Girardota, north of the Aburrá Valley, in Antioquia. Both adults were doing household chores inside the farm, when the minor accidentally fell into the pool.

It is presumed that the minor had access to the pool without parental supervision, and accidentally fell into the water. Unable to swim, the 5-year-old boy ended up drowning.

“Unfortunately, apparently the parents were attending to household chores and while that happened, the child drowned in the pool. The parents of the deceased child were stewards on the farm,” said the mayor of the municipality, Kevin Bernal.

According to the versions circulating among the community, the child’s body was found by another employee of the same farm, who alerted the child’s parents. After it was determined that the body had no vital signs, The authorities were present at the scene in order to clarify the facts, while the child’s body had to be transferred to Forensic Medicine for the respective autopsy.


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