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Javier Milei said he hoped the opposition would “throw people into the streets”

In the midst of the tense day of debate on the Bases Law, with serious incidents outside Congress, Javier Milei He gave a speech this Wednesday afternoon at the Libertad y Progreso foundation. There he slipped that he expected the opposition to “throw people into the streets” and “even throw dead people.”

“Sometimes you listen to politicians and economic analysts and, from what they say, it seems like they live in another country. It would seem that they live in Narnia“, Milei began his presentation, which reviewed the inheritance and the “titanic” work, which he described as a “feat”, which he did together with the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo.

He then spoke of political speculation by the opposition, whose initial dynamics he placed in the last months of Alberto Fernández’s government.

“They expected us to release everything, ignoring the dynamics of stocks and that everything would explode so that people would throw us into the streetdo not discard their methodology throwing dead people in the streets and promote looting,” he pointed out, minutes after the serious incidents recorded in Congress, where there were bullfights, stones thrown, Molotov cocktails and even cars set on fire.

He pointed to an alleged destabilizing plan by the opposition, so that “someone would make the dirty adjustment” and “return as redeemers at the beginning of 2024.”

“We were not naive, we did not do what they expected. We are going for an eighth of the term and if we are successful we hope to go for two terms, beginning the liberal stage,” Milei exclaimed, to the applause of the audience.

Speech by President Javier Milei at the Cato Institute and Libertad y Progreso conference.

In line with previous statements, he compared the Base Law with the Menemist reform. “It is five times bigger than that. And if you add the DNU, which is still standing, we are making structural reforms eight times bigger than the reform in Argentine history. And then the brazen people come to say no. There is a plan…”, Milei stressed, ironically.

Also turned to politics again. “We have governed these first six months uphill, managing the worst inheritance in history and without the legislative power and instruments that all governments before ours have had. This is not a minor issue,” the President emphasized.

“It’s not that politics didn’t accompany us, politics has put a spanner in our wheel since before we took office. They put a spanner in the wheel for us by finishing breaking up the BCRA’s balance sheet and They throw a spanner in the works for us every day we try to govern. You know what? All this is proving that the ideas of freedom are stronger, because despite the filthy political caste We are beating inflation,” celebrated the head of state.

Later, he alluded to the incidents of this Wednesday and praised Patricia Bullrich.

“Economic freedom brings prosperity for all, not just for some. For all this, returning to my initial idea, today as a society, as a country and as a political leadership, we are facing a bifurcation: either we persist on the path of decadence or we dare to travel the path of freedom. That battle is even taking place in the street.. Fortunately we have a great minister of security and is putting the streets in order as we promised during the campaign,” said Milei.

Precisely, while he was closing the conference at the Hilton Hotel, the President’s Office released a statement to congratulate the security forces and spoke of “terrorist groups” that “tried to carry out a coup d’état.”

And in this regard, he concluded: “Society has already chosen which of the two paths it opens and wants to undertake, it has already taken the risk that choosing freedom implies. From the Presidency we are embarking on that path with the tools we have. Now it is up to the rest of the policy of deciding whether to accompany or turn its back on the popular mandate to live in a freer country with a more dynamic economy or whether it insists on persisting on the path of servitude, condemning us all to misery.

“Communist dwarf”, Milei’s disqualification of Kicillof for the management of Banco Provincia

In another section of his presentation, he harshly criticized Axel Kicillof: he called him a “communist dwarf” and aroused the public’s reaction.

It happened when I was talking about the fine numbers of the monetary base and paid liabilities. “Of those 18 trillion pesos of liabilities, 12 trillion are in the hands of public banks. Of those 12, 7 are in Banco Nación, where the counterpart is that there are 3.5 trillion of Treasury deposits within Banco Nación. Therefore, there are 7 billion that are not a problem.”

But, Milei continued, “there are 3 billion that depend on Banco Provincia.” It was the basis for the advance on the governor of the province of Buenos Aires.

“Although the communist dwarf is an enemy of freedom and especially of this government…”, Milei managed to introduce, interrupted by applause and shouts of “Get out!”, directed at Kicillof. “…the fact that it has a fiscal deficit means that it uses Banco Provincia as a financing mechanism and it has such a tight liquidity position that it cannot be moved from there.”

Earlier this Wednesday, the President had spoken about the Base Law when it was just beginning to be discussed by the Senate. There he assured that if the project had already been approved, “the adjustment would have been less painful.” Furthermore, in that appearance at ExpoEFI 2024, he maintained that they are going to have to “take him dead from La Rosada to break the fiscal deficit”, in reference to the promise of zero deficit that he has been repeating together with the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo. .

The afternoon speech at the Freedom and Progress Foundation was scheduled as Milei’s last activity before he undertakes a new trip to Europe, where he will participate in the G7 in Italy, in a day marked by the debate of the Bases Law in Congress , for which he even considered delaying his flight for a few hours.

Elon Musk’s praise for Milei: “May Argentina give him all its support”

Just before Milei closed the Cato Institute conference there was a star speaker via video call. Is about Elon Musk, with whom the President has already met twice in Texas. And this Wednesday he praised her.

“From what I’ve read, He’s making the right moves. “I would encourage Argentines to give him support to do this experiment,” Musk asked.

“The policies of the past have not been successful, we already know that. I hope May Argentina give him all its support. I am sure that it will be a very exciting adventure and that it will work very well,” he completed his new support for the libertarian.

In his speech, the CEO of Tesla delved into the role of the State in promoting technology. “The role of governments is to ensure that the playing field is clear. The government is, essentially, like the referee of a football match: that the match is fair, that the rules are sensible and that it allows the players to be the ones. Let them play.”

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