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Relatives of missing persons may request a search in the Apartadó cemetery, Antioquia

The Search Unit for Persons Reported Missing (UBPD) opens its doors to receive search requests in the central cemetery of Apartadó, Antioquia. Between June 11 and 14relatives looking for their loved ones will be able to approach the cemetery between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm to provide information and request the search for their missing persons.

The UBPD makes a special call to those who have information or suspect that their missing loved one could be in the Apartadó central cemetery. The information provided by relatives and people with knowledge of the disappearance will be essential for the identification process and the search for the truth.

The intervention in the central cemetery of Apartadó is carried out under Auto SRVNH-04/01-228 of May 22, 2024, issued by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), as part of the investigations related to the Territorial Situation of Urabá.

The Search Unit has carried out a humanitarian investigation in the central cemetery of Apartadó, identifying that in the Ángel de Mi Guarda 1 pavilion, also known as the Mayor’s pavilion, there are the remains of missing people from the departments of Chocó, Córdoba and Antioquia, transferred from municipalities such as Riosucio, Carmen del Darién, Juradó, Bojayá, Tierralta, Turbo, Murindó and the San José de Apartadó district.

The opening of the search process in the central cemetery of Apartadó represents a crucial step in the search for truth, justice and reparation for the victims of the armed conflict in the Urabá region. The UBPD invites all people who have information about missing persons to come forward and collaborate in this process.

How to collaborate in the search for missing people?

  • Come to the central cemetery of Apartadó between June 11 and 14 from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
  • Contact the UBPD by cell phone 3162842561 or to the email [email protected].
  • The information provided will be confidential.

Find out more at Hora 13 Noticias.


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