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By frontal system: UDI deputy announces that she is leaving a tour of Europe with President Boric and will return to Chile

The deputy Marlene Perez (indep-UDI) announced its return to Chile from Europe in the middle of Gabriel Boric’s presidential tour, due to the serious situation caused by the frontal system that affects the south of the country.

At a press point, the union parliamentarian expressed the need to be present in her region, Biobiowhich faces severe flooding and river overflows.

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In the Biobío region the situation is critical, and for the same reason, obviously, I am a representative of the Biobío region, and I cannot stay here knowing that there are around 7,000 people affected and around 1,000 people affected.”Perez declared. “The President expressed how important the tour is, with people deployed in ministries in the region, but I, as a representative of the area, have to be present,” he added.

The parliamentarian’s decision marks the first loss in the presidential delegation, which is currently in Germany and plans to continue in Sweden, Switzerland and France. The return of President Boric and other ministers is scheduled for June 18. However, The UDI bench has requested that the President advance his return to face the climate emergency in Chile.

Despite the request, the head of state has defended the importance of his tour, highlighting that he maintains constant contact with the authorities in Chile and that the ministries are working on the ground. “The President has shown himself available to collaborate, he immediately decreed a state of catastrophe, but as a representative of the area I cannot be here and I have to be in my region,” Pérez explained.

“The important thing is that I return and the President has to make his own decisions,” the UDI deputy closed.


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