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Habitat protesters deny that there are “joints” in the UASLP – El Sol de San Luis

Students of the Faculty of Habitat of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP) assured that in the movement they maintain against the appointment of the director of the institution Rosa María Reyes Moreno There are no “joints”, simply students concerned about the growth of the institution which they claim is in deplorable conditions.

“Everything here is a fight, it is for a common good and we are sure that our objective right now is simply to inform and make known the case in general, what is happening in the Habitat, it is not governed only in the Habitat, It is a case that in the long run can be extended to many other faculties and we ask them in general to listen to our reasons,” said Ana Moreno, a ninth semester student.

He explained that they are students, that they have had to listen to the problems and situations that their classmates have, and the only thing they want and what they are looking for is to be able to solve it or to be able to help them a little, “what we want is for the organic status which are three important articles, I wanted to quote some words that the rector said and which is public evidence that you can find in news videos and he said the following: I told the technical councils, you from your academic staff, Those of you who know send me the list, I got my hand out of the process, it’s something he said and you can find it as evidence, He violated the process because he put his hand in removing the shortlist that the Faculty Advisory Council here sent.”, he mentioned.

In general, what they ask is that democracy be respected throughout the entire process “we have been told multiple times that the rector has all the power to intervene in the decisions that are carried out when in reality while they are complying the statutes, he does not need to put his hand in the process,” added Ana Moreno.

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The dissatisfied students do not like the director Reyes Moreno because they affirmed that she is not prepared to carry out a management again, since she has left much to be desired with her work “we find ourselves from her previous management, facilities that are in deplorable conditions, the schedules in general are of very low quality“Many of the students are left without the option of taking subjects and fall behind because of this simply because they are not capable of having an academic and teaching body that can actually respond to the needs of the students.”

They added that Reyes Moreno normally tends to leave aside the needs of the students.It is very difficult to talk to the person so that we can find a solution to this situation., I would invite you to come someday to enter the baths. If you want to enter a bathroom and pull the pump into the cistern, so that it can pull. “I believe that this is not a decent facility for all students.”

Finally, they pointed out the lack of benches and added that there are times when they go out to the patio to take classes on the floor, “we find classrooms of 30 people that in reality, at the end of the day, 40 people end up taking classes, we find with books, We even find files, which are simply there in the open all piled up., which is actually what he is doing with the faculty. That is what we want in 4 years, she had four years of management in these four years we find a faculty that is actually in decline.”

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