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An alleged scam between cousins ​​led to a shooting in the Loteo Social

The occupants of the vehicle got off there and went in different directions; One of them took refuge in a house on Pizarro Street, while the other fled and was lost to the police, who remained searching for the address. The abandoned van was hijacked.

Minutes later, a woman arrived at the scene and claimed to be the owner of the home where the suspect had entered. Out of fear, she asked the police personnel to enter with her and once inside, the officers found a 26 year old young manone of those who had gotten out of the car.

Proceeding to search the place, Cuevas also indicated that they found behind some wood a 9 mm firearm with nine cartridges, 65 thousand pesos in cash, three cell phones, a 22 caliber revolver, and 16 wrappers of cocaine already divided and ready for sale (about 216 grams in total). Anti-narcotics personnel were summoned to verify and proceed to seize this latest discovery.

Police Station 18 Gran Neuquén

Brawl between cousins ​​and a drug kiosk involved

On the other hand and almost simultaneously, while the arrest of the young man was taking place in the Gran Neuquén Sur home, the police station personnel were summoned by the victim of the shooting in his home in the Loteo Social: a 23-year-old man who stated that minutes before he had been chased by a Chevrolet Spin in which his cousin was traveling along with another person.

The young man reported that he was about to leave the service station located on Avenida del Trabajo and Moritán, when he noticed that a vehicle was stopping next to him. It was the Chevrolet, aboard which he saw his cousin.

The victim got into his car and began driving home with his relative until, a few meters from reaching his house, the truck opened fire on his car and his home. Fortunately, he was not injured.

Criminalistics assessed the place and seized a pod lying on the street, although they found that the car had not been damaged.

But what was the conflict? Cuevas confided that The complainant told the officers that a few months ago he intended to buy a house for his cousin and for this he paid him two million pesos. However, his cousin he never handed over the property, which led to a complaint of fraud by the 23-year-old against the other. This unleashed a brawl that already recorded, according to Cuevas, “two incidents of weapon abuse.”

He even commented that the investigation already led to a raid on the home of the alleged “fraudster cousin” last April, when the raid on a drug kiosk that operated under the facade of a snack bar known as “Jireh snack bar”. There, Anti-Narcotics and Investigations personnel from the Third Police Station seized weapons, a graveyard and drugs, and also detained three people.

Now, the investigation has been carried out by the General Prosecutor’s Office and progress is being made in search of the main accused.

Jireh snack bar

The entrance of the Jireh snack bar

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