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Elon Musk ratified his support for Milei and asked Argentines to support him


In the middle of the parliamentary day in the Senate for the Bases Law, the CEO of Tesla and Space Elon Musk, ratified his support for President Javier Milei during the libertarian forum “The rebirth of freedom in Argentina and the world”, organized by the Freedom and Progress Foundation, and the Cato Institute, an American think-tank where the president gave a closing speech.

“I ask people in Argentina to support Milei, because I think it will work very well,” claimed Elon Musk during his speech to through a virtual presentation where he referred to the country’s economic outlook for the future, the applications of artificial intelligence and new technological developments.

“I think it is very important that Argentina succeeds and that we give Milei our support. My prediction is that the actions he wants to take in the country will have massive growth in the economy,” the businessman highlighted.

“From everything I read, Milei’s movements have been the right ones, so I am going to encourage people to give him all their support, because the policies of the past have not worked,” Musk concluded prior to Milei’s closing speech. .

The participation of the technology magnate gave the event an international character since it was the first time he spoke to Argentines after the two face-to-face meetings he had with the head of state. In one of them, the magnate recommended “investing in the country.”

During his participation in the libertarian forum, the head of state ratified the economic course, highlighted the fiscal and monetary policies and also referred to the incidents in the vicinity of the National Congress while the Senate debates the Base Law and the package fiscal -both projects already obtained half a sanction in Deputies-. “Do not rule out the methodology of throwing dead people in the streets”he sentenced.

Regarding the discussion in the chamber, and in the midst of a vote-by-vote fight, he said: “It is the turn of the rest of politics, whether it accompanies or insists on persisting on the path of servitude. They are still on time. We have no other ambition than to create the conditions, we are not interested in winning anything.”

“We hope to continue with the success we have been having and have two terms, to begin the liberal era,” he stated later. “They said that we could not adjust more than one point of GDP, then they found that we had a financial surplus every month,” he highlighted.

“We have adjusted until now the equivalent of 15 points of GDP and we did it in 6 months. While in December we discussed hyperinflation, in April of this year wholesale inflation was just over 3%,” the president highlighted.

Some of the main speakers of the forum

The forum, whose headquarters was the Hilton Hotel in the Buenos aires citywas broadcast around the world through a livestream by social networkof which he owns Musk. According to what they reported, registration quotas for the event were sold out.

Throughout the two days there were different presentations and talks on different topics such as dollarization, human capital, globalization and economic freedom. Some of the main guests are the Nobel Prize winner in Economics James Heckman; the Economist Emilio Ocampo; the former Minister of Labor and Social Welfare and former Minister of Mining of Chile, José Piñera, and the presidential advisor and former head of the Central Bank Federico Sturzenegger.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondinowas one of the speakers in the module on Latin America and Human Rights where she was accompanied by the Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and the former opposition presidential candidate in Nicaragua, Felix Maradiaga.

Elon Musk with Javier Milei, Karina Milei and ambassador Gerardo Werthein.

Milei and Musk praise each other since the libertarian assumed the presidency of Argentina. Milei met with him in early May. “Great meeting with President Javier Milei!” He wrote on his X Musk account. Milei opened the door to Starklink, Musk’s satellite internet company, and the Government discussed the possibility of the businessman’s investments in the country.


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