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Biobío region is the most affected: Senapred reports 1,172 victims between Coquimbo and Los Ríos as a result of the frontal system

During the afternoon of this Wednesday, the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred) provided further information about the effects caused by the passage of the frontal system between the regions of Coquimbo and Los Ríos.

Based on the information provided by the different regional directorates, the organization reported that at 5 p.m. this day More than a thousand homes have been registered with damage and people affected within the framework of this meteorological event.

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Specifically, there are a total of 1,172 people affected between the regions of Coquimbo and Los Ríos, where 1,170 correspond to inhabitants of the Biobío region. These people are added to the 307 who are isolated in the same region.

In the same way, Senapred reported a total of 1,584 homes that have presented some degree of damage, where again Biobío is the most affected townwith 1,285 houses with minor damage, 246 with major damage and 3 homes completely destroyed.

For its part, in Ñuble minor damage has been reported in 30 homes, while in La Araucanía so far there are 18 houses affected. Meanwhile, in the Los Ríos region, a home with major damage was reported.

The organization also detailed the various emergency situations that have complicated the Bio bio region, such as the fall of trees and flooding of streets due to the collapse of the rainwater system, as well as overflows of water courses. It is worth mentioning that the alert for mass removal in various sectors remains in place in the region.


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