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Chile claims Argentina for military construction in national territory

With great fanfare, Argentina celebrated the inauguration of its new and technological facilities at the “Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1.” These facilities, donated by private parties to the Argentine Navy, present problems: first, they were built on the border of the division with Chile without prior notice or dialogue, and second, the construction exceeded more than 3 meters within Chilean territory.

Radio Bío Bío, alerted to the situation, which although it has appeared in the media of the neighboring country there is no reference to the fact that the construction occupies national land, consulted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who confirmed that “the Foreign Ministry is aware of the situation. The Directorate of Borders and Limits carried out a verification on the ground.”

They also added that “subsequently, a formal communication was sent to the Argentine Foreign Ministry noting that said company has a small portion of its facilities in Chilean territory. We are waiting for the response from the Argentine Government. The final objective is for the company to regularize its situation.” Communication that at the close of this edition had not received a response.

What happened

Last April 29, the Argentine Navy materialized, with songs and military training, the inauguration of its new facilities in a very particular place: milestone 1, which divides its country with Chile.

The inaugurated units came to renew the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post (PVYCTM) Milestone 1. On this occasion, the Argentine Navy received a “donation” of two housing modules from the Mirgor Foundation and energy equipment provided by the company Total Energies.

These were installed close to the border with Chile, and part of that construction, added to the photovoltaic screens that provide electricity and autonomy to the Argentine military in their observation post.

The ceremony was presided over by the Commander of the Southern Naval Area (ANAU), Navy Commodore José Alberto Marti Garro. Accompanying the Commodore were the President of the Mirgor Foundation, Mercedes Rotondó; its Director, Soledad Bertona; and the Public Affairs Manager of Total Energies, Claudia Borbolla. Also present were the provincial Minister of Public Works, María Gabriela Castillo; the Secretary of State for Security, José Díaz; and various authorities of the Austral Marine Infantry Force, along with special guests.

The event began with the singing of the National Anthem, followed by a religious invocation by Chaplain Guido Casillo, who blessed the housing modules. During his speech, the ANAU Commander, Commodore Marti Garro, expressed his pride in this achievement, highlighting that the PVYCTM Milestone 1 revaluation project began just a year ago. In addition, he highlighted the selfless collaboration of the Mirgor Foundation, Total Energies and its partners, Wintershall Dea and Panamerican Energy, as reported by La Gaceta de Argentina.

Marti Garro stated: “This initiative will improve the conditions of habitability, operation and sustainability of the post, constituting an example of joint work between the institutions of the National State and the contribution of private companies. The work establishes a clear example of synergy, which is materialized in the work of construction companies and specialized labor based in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands.”

As reported by the same medium, Manager Claudia Borbolla of Total Energies highlighted the importance of these actions: “These actions, in support of the Argentine Navy, ratify our commitment in this region where we have been present for 45 years, and are clearly in line with our multi-energy strategy, demonstrating the value that sustainable energy solutions provide.”

For her part, Mercedes Rotondó, President of the Mirgor Foundation, said: “At the Foundation we are deeply proud to formalize the donation of these two modules developed by our team of engineers and produced by local suppliers. From our place we seek to contribute our grain of sand and thank the immeasurable work carried out every day by each of the people who are part of the Navy of our country, defending our Homeland.”

The housing modules donated by the Mirgor Foundation are transportable and were designed to meet the needs of Navy personnel in the PVYCTM Hito 1, where satellite monitoring of the Strait of Magellan is carried out. These modules were manufactured with local suppliers and have the ability to use conventional or sustainable energy. Total Energies, in addition to providing materials, installed a renewable electricity generation system supported by gas generation, and donated furniture materials, ensuring the permanent supply of drinking water and gas services.

This donation significantly improves the quality of life of the Argentine Navy personnel, who spend 30 days at the post, contributing to the defense of Argentine maritime interests in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands.

The Argentine initiative, although celebrated locally, has caused discomfort in Chile, given the delicate geopolitical balance in the region. The Chilean authorities hope that this development does not affect bilateral collaboration and relations on maritime security and control issues.

Chile in trouble

Although the Foreign Ministry has not yet made a decision on the matter, since they indicated that they are waiting for the response, there are many who warn that the signal has to be firm. Among these points, they demand the immediate demolition of what was built in our sovereignty.

The same sources add that the facts cannot be ignored, much less seen as an error, since the defense policy of the Argentine State has been talking for years about “shared space” when referring to the Strait of Magellan.

What’s more, in 2021, under the second government of Sebastián Piñera, Alberto Fernández’s Argentina issued a document in which the military policies of that country were established, expressly and directly warning that the Strait of Magellan should be shared.

The document, revealed at that time by El Clarín, stated that “One of the shared spaces that is essential to continue strengthening is that of the exploration, study and joint control over the Strait of Magellan and the Sea of ​​Hoces, strategic spaces both for their role as natural navigable routes between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean as well as constituting privileged access points to the Antarctic continent,” stated the document signed by the President of the Argentine Republic himself, Alberto Fernández.

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