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For doing pirouettes on public roads, a motorcyclist killed an elderly woman in San Antonio de Prado

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In the town of San Antonio de Prado they cannot come out of their stupor due to the absurd death of a woman, whom a motorcyclist killed this Wednesday, June 12 after losing control of the motorcycle while doing pirouettes.

According to the Medellín Mobility Secretariat, a 61-year-old woman was preparing to cross the street when a motorcyclist ran over her at full speed and threw her several meters, killing her almost instantly. Immediately, the neighbors reacted and arrested the motorcyclist, whom they began to lynch.

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In a video it was recorded how in the midst of pain and confusion, a heartbroken young man shouts at the motorcyclist who killed the elderly woman while he is restrained by other young people, while other people try to damage the motorcycle and ask for gasoline to set it on fire.

A Prehospital Care ambulance went to the scene and tried to perform resuscitation on the woman. He also appeared in a matter of minutes the police, who were the ones who prevented the motorcyclist from being lynched.

The recklessness of motorcyclists doing dips and pirouettes thus takes another life in Medellín. One of the best-known cases was that of a young man in June 2022 who, minutes before dying after a brutal accident, was recorded by his own friends making reckless jumps and twists in the middle of the South Highway, putting the occupants of several vehicles that were hit by him at risk. to pass by the reckless young man who ended up crashing against a railing and died suddenly before the eyes of his friends.

To report the practice of picketing and maneuvers that put people’s lives at risk in the neighborhoods of Medellín, the mayor’s office established a link and line 4444144through these means citizens can request interventions in places where these practices are frequent.

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