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CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF MANIZALES POR CALDAS – Internal and External Call – Chamber of Commerce of Manizales por Caldas

Purpose of the Call: select a professional to provide services as an advisor to the Zasca Tecnología Reindustrialization Center project

Object of the Contract: Provide professional services to advise the ZASCA Technology Reindustrialization Center project.

Profile: Professional in engineering, basic or economic sciences, administration or similar.

Professional experience: Minimum 2 years in business technology consulting and technological advice for business models

With knowledge in finance and technology

  • Initiative
  • Organization in your work
  • Timely fulfillment of assigned tasks
  • Quality of service
  • Willingness and commitment to the Entity and the internal and external client
  • Communication and interpersonal relationships
  • Flexibility (adaptation to change)
  • Discretion and reliability
  • Handling situations under pressure
  • Teamwork
  • Information analysis
  • Assertive communication
  • Relationship ability
  • Management capacity
  • Proactivity
  • Result orientation

Dependence: Business Development Unit

  • Provide advice to each Productive Unit (UP) or Mipyme in their process of strategic appropriation of technologies
  • Recognize for each UP or Mipyme, the points where technology is relevant, in terms of optimization and efficiencies
  • Prepare diagnoses and technological appropriation plans, guaranteeing their implementation
  • Monitor the actions that UPs and MSMEs undertake within their appropriation plan.
  • Report activity reports according to the guidelines established in the project

Type of contract: Provision of professional services

Contract period: 12 months from its legalization.

Monthly Fees: $3,800,000

Phases of the Selection Process: Selected candidates must present the following tests:

  • Deadline for sending resumes with supports: June 17,
  • Email to send resumes: [email protected]

IMPORTANT: Only resumes will be received through the indicated email, with all the required studies and experience supports, a copy of the professional card, attaching a letter stating that you are not subject to disabilities and incompatibilities to contract with the Manizales Chamber of Commerce for Caldas according to the Statutes of the Entity, which can be consulted on the website

NOTE: Resume without supports will not be included in the process

Manizales Chamber of Commerce through Caldas, Human Management Area, extension 402.

Human Management Manizales, June 12, 2024


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