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“Argentina will have massive economic growth”

He billionaire Elon Musk This Wednesday he reiterated his support for President Javier Milei and predicted that, “unless they stop him,” the country will have “massive economic growth.”

The creator of Tesla and owner of If he had been doing it in the past, “it clearly didn’t work.”

“I think it is very important for Argentina to be successful and it has my full support. My prediction is that unless Milei is stopped from taking the measures he wants, Argentina will have massive growth in its economy and there will be much more prosperity and optimism about the future like there has not been in the last 100 years,” Musk noted.

Elon Musk reiterated his support for Javier Milei: “Everything else failed”

The businessman, the third richest man in the world, spoke via teleconference at the liberal summit “The rebirth of freedom in Argentina and the world.” During his speech, he maintained that “we must support President Milei, everything else failed.”

“From everything I read, Milei’s movements have been the right ones, so I am going to encourage people to give him all their support, because the policies of the past have not worked,” added Musk, prior to the head of the company’s speech. Argentine State, who closed the meeting.

During his management, Milei held two meetings with Musk, where they showed a clear harmony. This led the South African businessman to recommend “investing in Argentina.”

Both his participation and his statements were a renewed gesture from Musk to the President, with whom he has already met twice in recent months. The good harmony between them led the businessman to recommend “investing in Argentina”, even though a specific project by Elon himself is still unknown.

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