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The government described the protesters as “terrorists” and denounced that they “tried to carry out a coup d’état”

The government of Javier Milei rated today the protests with serious incidents outside Congress as an attempt to “coup” and congratulated the Security Forces “for their excellent actions in repressing terrorist groups.”

“The Office of the President congratulates the Security Forces for their excellent actions suppressing terrorist groups that with sticks, stones and even grenades, They tried to carry out a coup d’étatattacking the normal functioning of the Argentine National Congress,” says the publication in X.

The riots began when protesters sought to circumvent the system of fences set up to isolate Congress, where debate was taking place. Base Lawand were repelled by gases, rubber bullets and jets from tankers.

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Stones, burned cars and injured deputies: the shocking photos of the protest against the Bases Law

The protesters reacted throwing stones at the uniformed officers and at least two cars were set on fireamong them one from the press Chain 3. According to official figures, The total number of detainees was 20 people.of which 11 were arrested by the City Police and 9 by the Federal Police.

At least five deputies were gassed by the police and had to be hospitalized while dozens of protesters were assisted at the scene, also affected by the gases, according to legislators and an NGO.

Within Congress the Bases law was debateda crucial step for the Milei government that six months after starting has not achieved legislative support.

Repression in the middle of the debate on the Bases Law: the Government points to the left and separates the unions from the incidents

The Senate debates the Bases law, which in its 238 articles includes incentives for large investments for 30 years, a labor reform, privatizations and a controversial delegation of legislative powers to the president, in need of legislative support after six months of government without the approval of any law.

The law had already been approved by the Chamber of Deputies in April. If the senators support it, the text will return to the Lower House for final approval.

Milei, who leaves this Wednesday night for Italy to participate in the G7 summitdefended his reform package: “They have been discussing the Bases law for six months, which would have made the adjustment less painful, but politics doesn’t care about that.”


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