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Ambassador of Mexico in Cuba congratulates Prensa Latina on its anniversary

We know the role that this medium plays and the first thing we do is congratulate it on this important anniversary, closed figures, which speak of perseverance and a vocation to communicate, said the diplomat when starting a conversation with this agency.

Díaz expressed his recognition and highlighted the role played by Prensa Latina not only for Cuba, but for the region.

Identified with the acronym PL, the media was born on June 16, 1959, a few months after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, with the vision of giving voice to the just causes of the people of the South, ignored by the large monopolies of information.

It currently has around 35 offices in different countries, mostly on the American continent, and distributes around 400 dispatches daily in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian and Russian.

As part of the activities for its 65 years, the Agency inaugurated this Wednesday, in the capital’s Casa del Alba, the photographic exhibition Witness to History, a sample of snapshots captured by its photojournalists and correspondents in all latitudes, which make up the rich historical archive of the institution.

This and other activities are added to those carried out to date in several nations, such as those carried out in four cities in the United States, in the context of the visit to that country of PL executives to participate in the Hispanic American Press Congress, held in New York on May 31 and June 1 last.

The central event for the anniversary will take place next Friday at the emblematic Casa de Las Américas, in this capital.


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