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Senate of Argentina approves the controversial Milei Bases Law – DW – 06/13/2024

In a historic day, the Argentine Senate approved this Wednesday night (06/12/2024) the long-awaited Bases law, the ambitious legislative project of the Government of Javier Milei, which establishes the legal framework for the profound transformation of Argentina’s economic and social model. .

After eleven hours of uninterrupted debate and while thousands of protesters in the street spoke out against it, the Law Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines, also known as the ‘omnibus law’, received 36 votes against and 37 in favor. , including the ‘casting vote’ of the president of the Upper House and vice president of the Republic, Victoria Villarruel, who broke the tie in a second vote.

The initiative, presented by the Executive as a fundamental piece to “modernize and energize” the country on the basis of economic liberalism and reduce the role of the State in the economy, has already passed the process of the Chamber of Deputies. If during its processing, particularly in the Senate, the initiative is modified, it will return to the Lower House for discussion and final sanction.

When the result of the vote was known, hundreds of protesters who were at the doors of Congress confronted the Police, throwing stones at them and setting up barricades, to which the agents responded by shooting rubber bullets and using tear gas, in a repetition of the violent episodes that took place throughout the day.

The debate in the Upper House began at 10:15 local time (13:15 GMT) and lasted more than 11 hours. At stake were both the Law Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines, also known as the ‘omnibus law’, and the tax reform promoted by the Executive.

Tension within the Senate, incidents in the streets

The session was anticipated to be tense and prolonged, with thousands of people demonstrating in the vicinity of Parliament against the government initiatives.

The challenge was significant for the far-right La Libertad Avanza party, which is a minority in Parliament. Of the 72 senators, half were expected to vote in favor and the other half against, although some doubts persisted about the vote of some legislators. Finally, it was the casting vote of the president of the Chamber that broke the tie.

The ruling party had a lot at stake in the vote, not only because the ‘Bases law’ and the fiscal ‘shock’ plan are the core of Milei’s government program, but also because the result of this vote will significantly influence the political course of the Executive in the coming months.

And this, because despite six months having passed since Milei came to power, “Congress has not yet provided the necessary tools to a Government widely elected by the people,” in the words of the official senator Bartolomé Abdala when starting the debate. .

Almost half a year of parliamentary processing

The Base Law has been in parliamentary process for almost half a year. In the minority, the ruling party had to eliminate several aspects of the original project. After multiple revisions, the initiative was approved in the Chamber of Deputies at the end of April with 142 votes in favor, 106 against and 5 abstentions.

To achieve its debate in the Senate plenary session, the ruling party agreed to more modifications. Now, once the Upper House debates the project in particular, the project must return to Deputies for its final discussion.

The ‘Bases Law’ declares a public emergency in administrative, economic, financial and energy matters for one year, granting the Executive broad powers in these areas.

The initiative allows for the reform of the State, the privatization of several companies, changes in labor and retirement legislation, and offers incentives for the energy and hydrocarbon sector and large investments.

Along with this project, the Senate is also debating a fiscal package that includes money laundering and a tax and customs moratorium.

The legislative package faces strong opposition from various political, union and social sectors, which mobilized to Congress, resulting in violent episodes with protesters tearing down fences and throwing stones and sticks at the security forces, who responded with tear gas and water cannons.

Numerous acts of vandalism were also reported, including three vehicles set on fire. There were fourteen detainees and several injured, including five deputies who were hospitalized due to the use of pepper spray.

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