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Chile claims Argentina for military construction in Magellan territory

On April 29, Argentina celebrated the inauguration of its new and technological facilities at the “Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1.” These facilities, donated by private parties to the Argentine Navy, present problems: first, they were built on the border of the division with Chile without prior notice or dialogue, and second, the construction exceeded more than 3 meters within Chilean territory.

This is reported by a report from Radio Bío Bío, which, alerted to the situation that, although it has appeared in the media of the neighboring country, does not refer to the fact that the construction occupies national land.

Although the Foreign Ministry admits that the reported incident is true, it de-dramatized the situation, making it clear that “they are solar panels where one went two meters and a bit into Chilean territory because there is an old fence in a room that confuses where the solar panel is actually located.” limit”.

“The Foreign Ministry is aware of the situation. The Directorate of Borders and Limits carried out a verification on the ground. Subsequently, a formal communication was sent to the Argentine Foreign Ministry noting that said company has a small portion of its facilities in Chilean territory. We are waiting for the response from the Argentine Government. The final objective is for the company to regularize its situation,” La Prensa Austral was told by the National Directorate of Borders and Limits.

The journalistic note states that the inaugurated units renovated the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post (PVYCTM) Milestone 1. On this occasion, the Argentine Navy received a “donation” of two housing modules from the Mirgor Foundation and energy equipment provided by the company Total Energies.

It is also specified that this fact, which for some is minor, has a background of proportions since Argentina has been proposing shared use of the Strait of Magellan since 2021, something that Chile has repeatedly rejected.


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