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What happens to the Bases Law after its approval in the Senate: this is how its process continues

He Base Law projectpromoted by the government of President Javier Milei, rreceived general approval this Wednesday night in the Senatewith a vote that ended in a tie and demanded the intervention of the head of the Chamber, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, who ruled in favor of the initiative.

Now, how does your process continue within Congress? As it is a text with several modifications, a product of the intense negotiations between the ruling party and its opposition allies, The law has not yet been passed, but now it must return to the Deputies.

Precisely, it will be the Lower House that must approve or not the changes that were applied in the Senate. If you lean towards the positive, the Bases Law will be sanctioned. On the contrary, if the deputies reject the modifications, It passes to the Executive Branch without any of them, that is, with the original wording.

Base Law: what happens when it passes to the Executive Branch

It is worth clarifying that, upon receiving the modified text, the Chamber of Deputies can accept all the modifications, or accept some and reject others, but cannot introduce new changes.

Finally, if the project is sanctioned, as expected, will pass into the orbit of the Executive Branch. There, the president may approve and promulgate it either directly veto it, totally or partially as defined.

With information from La Nación and Chequeado


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