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Protesters denounce that the police fired expired tear gas

On the outskirts of Congress of the Argentine Nation hours of extreme tension are being experienced between the police and the protesters who are demanding the treatment of the Government’s bases law in the Senate. In the last few hours, users reported that they were repressed with expired tear gas, that being in that condition, They can be lethal.

”The degradation products of tear gas are extremely more toxic and dangerous than the initial compound,” the Venezuelan chemists said in an interview. Monica Kräuter. Furthermore, he had detailed that “It decomposes into cyanide, phosgene and nitrogen which can be lethal.”

”This is science. It’s toxicology. I’m not saying it. For this reason, the expiration date is clearly placed on each cartridge.” he added.

From Prensa Obrera, they attached a video of a person showing a cartridge with an expiration date in 2022, accompanied by a text: ”They repress with gases that They are expired TWO YEARS AGO to the thousands who have been in Congress since early rejecting the Bases Law.”

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Serious incidents in front of Congress: the police repressed protesters; there are injured and detained

During the program ‘The morning’by C5N, the presence of gendarmerie was observed in the middle of the march. According to the journalist present outside Parliament, initially there was the Federal police, but then the gendarmerie arrived with helmets and shields and He began to advance on the protesters.

In the midst of the strong repression, senators from Unión por la Patria asked for an intermission to review the situation in the square, but it was not granted.

While the mobilization was carried out peacefully, the gendarmerie began to advance on the protesters in Hipólito Yrigoyen, near Entre Ríos. Additionally, they placed a fenced so that the protesters do not cross.

Added to that, the gendarmes They began to water the attendees with a water cannon truck and shoot them with tear gas and rubber bullets.. On the side of the protesters, They returned the violence with stones and Molotov cocktails.

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Repression outside Congress.

Photo: Ignacio Petunchi

They set fire to a radio mobile

Protesters turned and then They set fire to a car that serves as the mobile phone for the Córdoba radio station Cadena 3. After a few minutes, a fire hydrant truck put out the flames of the vehicle.

Also, a while later, They overturned and set fire to two other cars that were parked in the vicinity of Congress.

According to C5Nthe situation there is “maximum tension“, With the presence of more than 50 troops gendarmerie and the Federal Police. “We are not going to do anything, we are applauding“said one protester, while another assured that the operation “is a disaster.”

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They set fire to a Cadena 3 mobile phone outside Congress.

Photo: Ignacio Petunchi


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