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the police had to neutralize them

09:11 PM

Luis Alberto Barreto Valencia42, was brutally attacked by his two pit bull dogs while he was in his home. The Police came to their aid by neutralizing the animals.

The events occurred this Tuesday morning, in the Barcelona neighborhood which is located in Puente Aranda (Bogotá), where the authorities went after receiving an emergency call from neighbors who reported an alleged fight at Barreto’s house due to the screams they heard.

When they arrived at the site, they found that it was actually this man from Chaparral, Tolima, that he was seriously injured and had serious bites on his body, which were caused by their two pit bulls (male-female).

The victim and his sister screamed for help, but it was impossible to drive the animals away at that moment. After several attempts in vain, the authorities were forced to shoot the dogs with the aim of safeguarding the life and integrity of the person attacked.

In accordance with United Legal, exist 10 ways to act and protect yourself from an attack by a pit bull.

1. Stay calm and avoid panic: It is crucial to remain calm in an attack situation. Dogs are sensitive to cues of fear and agitation, so maintaining composure can help prevent your pit bull from becoming more aggressive.

2. Do not make sudden movements: Avoid making quick or sudden movements, as this could further excite the pitbull and make the situation worse. Keep your hands and arms close to your body to prevent the dog from targeting them.

3. Don’t make direct eye contact: Avoid looking directly into the dog’s eyes, as this could be interpreted as a threat.

4. Back away slowly: If possible, back away slowly while keeping the pit bull in sight. Don’t turn your back or run, as this could trigger the chase instinct and increase the attack.

5. Protect yourself: If the dog knocks you down or attacks you, protect your extremities by covering your face and neck with your arms. Try putting up a physical barrier, like a jacket or backpack.

6. Protect yourself with elements: Look around you and look for elements or any resistant material such as a chair, table, or desk, that you can place as a barrier so that the pitbull does not reach you easily.

7. Find a high place: If you see a high place, get up and avoid confronting a pitbull dog, for example, getting on a car, a counter, a high table, or any element that exceeds the pitbull’s height and prevents it from climbing.

8. Don’t scream or make loud noises: Yelling or loud noises could further excite the dog and make the situation worse.

9. Seek help: Whenever possible, ask other people close to you for help. When you are in a safe place and away from danger, call the Police.

10. After the attack: Seek specialized medical attention immediately. Dogs can transmit diseases or cause serious injuries.

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