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two senators from San Juan voted against and one in favor

After several weeks of uncertainty over the Bases Law, it was finally approved in the Senate after Victoria Villarruel’s tiebreaker. The vote was tied with 36 positive votes and 36 negative votes, so the president of the upper house took control and voted in favor. In the case of the senators from San Juan, two voted against and one in favor.

The two people from San Juan who voted against the rule were former governor Sergio Uñac, who is part of the National and Popular Front bloc, and María Celeste Giménez Navarro from the Unidad Ciudadana bloc. On the opposite side of the street, Bruno Olivera from San Juan from La Libertad Avanza voted in favor of the law.

Votes in favor of the Law Bases and Points for the Freedom of Argentines: Carmen Rivero (PRO), Martín Goerling (PRO), Alfredo de Angeli (PRO), Luis Juez (PRO), Victoria Hualá (PRO), Guadalupe Tagliaferri (PRO), Eduardo Galaretto (UCR), Pablo Blanco (UCR), Mariana Juri (UCR), Flavio Fama (UCR), Carolina Losada (UCR), Daniel Kroneberg (UCR), Rodolfo Suárez (UCR), Stella Maris Olalla (UCR), Gabriela Valenzuela (UCR), Eduardo Vischi (UCR), Víctor Zimmerman (UCR), Maximiliano Abad (UCR), Bartolomé Abdala (LLA), Ivanna Arrascaeta (LLA), Ezequiel Atauche (LLA), Vilma Bedia (LLA), Bruno Olivera (LLA), K.Carlos Pagotto (LLA), Francisco Paoltroni (LLA), Carlos Espíndola (UF), Edgardo Kueider (UF), Alejandra Vigo (UF), Beatriz Ávila (JS), Carlos Arce (FCS), Sonia Decu (FCS), Andrea Cristina (CF), Lucila Crexell (CN), Juan Carlos Romero (Cambio Federal), Edith Terenzi (Cambio Federal), Mónica Silva (Juntos Río Negro). Victoria Villarruel broke the tie.

Votes against the Law Bases and Points for the Freedom of Argentines

Guillermo Andrada (National and Popular Front), Eduardo De Pedro (Citizen Union), Martín Doñate (Citizen Union), Lucía Corpacci (National and Popular Front), Anabel Sagasti (Citizen Union), Juliana Di Tullio (Citizen Union), Celeste Gimenez Navarro (Citizen Union), Eugenia Duré (Citizen Union), Sergio Leavy (Citizen Union), Silvina Larraburu (Citizen Union), Carlos Linares (Citizen Union), Nicolás del Valle Gimenez (Citizen Union), Cristina López (Citizen Union), Alicia Kirchner (Citizen Union), Carolina Moisés (Citizen Union), Oscar Parrilli (Citizen Union), Fernando Salino (Citizen Union), Silvia Sapag (Citizen Union), Daniel Bensusán (National and Popular Front), Juan Manzur (National and Popular Front ), Florencia López (National and Popular Front), Gerardo Montenegro (National and Popular Front), María Teresa González (National and Popular Front), Marcelo Lewandowski (National and Popular Front), José Neder (National and Popular Front), Mariano Recalde (National and popular front), María Pilatti Vergara (National and popular front), Antonio Rodas (National and popular front), Fernando Rejal (National and popular front), Claudia Zamora (National and popular front), Sergio Uñac (National and Popular Front), José Carambia (Alliance for Santa Cruz), Natalia Gadano (Alliance for Santa Cruz) and Martín Lousteau (UCR).

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