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Successful Catamarca 2024 Taekwondo Cup

June 13, 2024 – 01:05

With more than 300 competitors, days ago the “Catamarca Cup 2024” of taekwondo was held, an event that has greater impact every year and has become one of the most important tournaments in northern TKD.

The 2024 edition took place at the “FME” Sports Center and hosted representatives from Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, Salta, Jujuy and all of Catamarca. There were national and world champions, the black belt category gave a lecture at a technical level while the boys and girls filled the competition areas showing the great northern seed. The Seniors group also had its moment and showed that there is no age to do what we are so passionate about.

The notable awards were the following:

Cat. Team forms provincial challenge:

Champion: Santiago del Estero.

Runner-up: Catamarca.

3rd Tucumán.

While the Santiagueña ATUSE school became champion of the brand new “Catamarca Cup 2024”.


The invited schools that took part in the event were: Centro Estudiantes de Taekwon-do del Sabumnim Juan José Cruz, Liga Tucumana de taekwon-do del Sabumnim Manuel López, Taekwon-do Génesis de Villa Belgrano del Sabum Ezequiel Peralta, Taekwon-do Génesis de Alberdi del Sabum Florencia Tkd, Camino de la Wisdom School of the Sabumnim Adrián Ovejero, UTKDA Salta School of the Sabumnim Alejandro Sarapura, AFTA Federal Asc of Taekwon-do of the Sabumnim Ariel Alejandro Figueroa Luque of the Sabumnim Gabriel Carballo Tkd-itf; and ATUSA from Sabumnim Luis Carletty.

Other participants were: Hwarang-do Taekwon-do Association of the Master Marcelo Alejandro Olmos, Leandro Huergo, Catamarqueña Taekwon-do Association of the Master Edgar Carrizo, Fénix Taekwon-do of the Sabumnim Johana López, Animal Taekwon-Do of the Sabum Leonardo Villordo, Dylan Villordo and Nahuel Huertas, Catamarca Taekwondo; Dojang Tory Gym del Sabum Yamiih Barrionuevo, Dojang Santa Rosa del Sabum Paola Reinoso, Dojang Chumbicha del Sabum Manquemilla Romano Juan José and Donovan Romano, Dojang SEPAVE Altos de Choya del Sabum Anita Tula, Dojang Las Flores neighborhood of Javier Galíndez, Dojang velodromo del Sabum Guadalupe Nieva, Dojang Altos de Choya, Dojang Nueva Coneta, Dojang Huillapima, Dojang San Pedro, Dojang Colonia del Valle, and Adultos Mayores Coneta group of the Sabumnim Máximo Reartes.


The Catamarca Cup was organized by Sabumnim Máximo Reartes IV dan of ITF taekwon-do, director of the Catamarca Taekwon-do ITF School, who highlighted the support of the Argentine Taekwon-do Union and with the support of the Sports Secretariat of the Province, Guillermo Perna, Sports Secretariat of the Capital, and the Director of Sports of the Capital, Mariano Brunello.

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