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A viper appeared inside a house in Córdoba: it is one meter long

A reptile broke into a house in the provincial interior. During the early hours of the morning, a woman found a snake in the gallery of her home located in San Francisco del Chañar, Sobremonte department. The owner notified the police.

“The day before, personnel from the Fire Guard Department, (Fire Department), established themselves in a home in the jurisdiction, where they proceeded to the extraction of a snake Crotalus Durissius (rattlesnake) which was in the gallery of a family home on La Cañada s/n street,” police sources reported.

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They also specified that “it is a Rattlesnake of one meter long approximately, which was in that sector of the house, so the owner notified the uniformed officers about the discovery.”

After the rescue, the rattlesnake was released. “Using the appropriate elements and techniques, the officers proceeded to remove the snake, which was released back into its natural habitat,” they noted.


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