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They set up a police post and promised LED lights

In this context, the communal chief reported that this Tuesday A police post was set up in said area, which will allow better functioning of police patrols. Furthermore, he announced that They will soon renew the lighting in the sectorwhich will be replaced by LED fixtures.

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Near that neighborhood there is a community hall that has already been enabled to be a police post.. This means that it is not a detachment, nor a police station, but it is a place where the Police patrols stop for a while to rest or have a snack and This gives a presence of police custodywhich is very important,” he indicated in radio statements.

On the other hand, Bertolini pointed out that met with directors of the Light Cooperative to provide a response to the neighbors regarding their request for better lighting.

We started working on a plan to replace lighting, because the ones that exist have wear and tear from use and do not have the luminosity that is needed. So let’s start doing in these corridorswhich have to be safer, replacement with LED fixtures”, he indicated.

Meeting with the Neighborhood Commissions and the Chamber of Commerce

Bertolini also pointed out that “a month and a half ago” he held a meeting with City Neighborhood Commissions and members of the Chamber of Commerce to address the issue of unsafety. Provincial authorities also participated in it and explained that they worked on the “delimitation of critical points that each neighborhood has” and in the demarcation of “safe corridors.”

“Already in some meetings with the Minister of Security, Matías Nicolini, and the police chief, Díaz Pérez, we had begun to outline a security planin it that the neighborhood commissions also had the opportunity to participate”, he mentioned.

The objective of the plan is “delineate critical points that each neighborhood has and establish safe corridors,” he indicated.. “Generally, The corridors coincide with places in the most marginal neighborhoods where not everyone has their own vehicle and needs to walk from the bus to their house,” he added.

For this reason, he maintained that one of the management measures is to “streamline everything we have been doing with the police of mark certain points in the city where there will be police posts”.

Wild robberies in the Bardas Soleadas neighborhood of Plottier

The Bardas Soleadas neighborhood of Plottier was shaken by two violent robberies, which occurred this past Sunday and Monday, when criminals attacked two girls and brutally beat them to get their belongings.

The first assault occurred on Sunday night, around 9 p.m., at one of the entrances to the neighborhood on José Larralde Street. The victim is in good health, despite the injuries she received.

In an interview with LU5, the mother stated that they feel “very unprotected” and noted that, Just a day later, another girl was also assaulted in another sector of the same neighborhood.

“My daughter was riding a bicycle and two people approached on a motorcycle similar to a Honda, without mirrors, without license plates, with two men on top and armed. They grabbed her from her bicycle, dragged her, and when they had her on the ground, they put the gun to her forehead and hit her.always threatening her,” he said.

And I add: “Last night, unfortunately, the same thing happened again with a 19-year-old girl who was getting off the bus., two people attack her, they hit her. “That girl is still hospitalized and, the truth is, I don’t know how to explain to you what is happening.”

They beat her to rob her in Plottier.mp4

The second assault occurred at the bus stop located on Argentino Luna and Rudecindo Roca streets, another of the entrances to the neighborhood. Then, the girl was assaulted by criminals who beat her in such a way that the young woman was lying on the ground.

They hit her head very hard, she fainted. They stole her backpack and cell phone. The ambulance, unfortunately, took more than 40 minutes. Luckily, the neighbors were there trying to help and walking around the place to see if they could find them,” she said. In that sense, the neighbor highlighted that His son “heard the girl’s screams a block from the stop.”

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