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“Today there was a debate between two different Argentines”, Villarruel’s speech before giving his positive vote to the Bases Law

After an arduous day of debate over the Base Law and the fiscal package, the Senate approved the project. As anticipatedthere was a tie in the overall result and the vice president, Victoria Villarruel had the opportunity to cast a key vote.

Minutes after 23 o’clock before the tie result that showed a result of 36 to 36, Victoria Villarruel took the floor to make a speech before voting. In this sense, the vice president mentioned the disturbances that occurred during the day to say: «Today it was debated between two different Argentines. Today we saw two Argentines.

After this he argued that there was a «Violent Argentina that sets a car on fire, “who throws stones and debates the exercise of democracy,” referring to the moments of tension experienced outside Congress. Regarding the second Argentina, he defined it as that which is «that of the workers who are waiting for deep pain and sacrifice to respect the vote that in November of last year, elected a change.

“He chose that in Argentina a situation that was perpetuated in pain for many years would really be shuffled and changed,” he added.

Finally, before leaving his positive vote for the Base Law, he expressed: «For those Argentines who suffer, who hope that they do not want to see their children leave the country. For those Argentines who deserve to recover the pride of being Argentine and always thinking of everything for Argentina. My vote is affirmative.


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