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12% of older adults are victims of violence; only 20% dare to report – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Every June 15, a day of “Raising Awareness about the existence of abuse and mistreatment in old age” is held around the world.

Defined as “The single or repeated action, or lack of appropriate response, that occurs within any relationship, in which there is an expectation of trust and which causes harm or distress to an elderly person.”

The General Director of Older Adults Jorge O’Brienin dialogue with New dairy noted that “this abuse can be physical, psychological/emotional, sexual, financial, moral or material abandonment due to a negligent or intentional act.”

O’Brien added data on which the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation reported according to what the Office of Domestic Violence recorded about complaints of older adults attacked in the year 2023. “According to these estimates – 12% of people Elders receive mistreatment or suffer violence. But it must be taken into account that only 20% of these cases are reported, so the real figure would be much higher,” he highlighted. There is a lot of fear on the part of the elderly to report abuse due to the fear of being institutionalized; or simply the shame of denouncing the child or the family.

Dr. O’Brien informs us that according to the updated statistics of the 2020 census, there are around 1,496,000 people in the Province of Salta, of which 11% are over 60 years old, that is, there are around 150,000 elderly people and 16,000 of them would be victims of mistreatment, situations of abuse and abandonment. Regarding the profile of the aggressor, in 50% of cases it is the main caregiver, as a result of the stress caused by responsibilities. Among these people, 85% are from the family environment (in 60% of cases they are children, and in 25% the spouse). The signs that can alert the population to detect poor treatment of an older adult are physical signs such as bruises, cuts, marks from ties on the wrists, and sudden difficulties in moving. O’Brien points out that at UNATE (University of the Third Age), many cases are noticed.

Also from the State itself there is this bad treatment when one loses financially, like what happened from December to April with 30%. However, now, the National Congress is trying to recover, even 8% of that purchasing power.

Have basic knowledge when caring for an adult

Specifically regarding the abuse exercised on an elderly person, the General Director of Older Adults Jorge O’Brienpoints out that a clarification must be made since there is mistreatment that is not deliberate and is called negligent.

“It happens in the case of people who take care of family members and do it with all the good will, however, there comes a moment that overwhelms,” he said.

This sometimes occurs due to the demands that arise from the person being cared for. “This causes fatigue, and in many cases the way to move an adult is unknown. And family members observe, criticize, and to make matters worse, they do not collaborate,” says O’Brien.

This marks the need to know the ways to sit, feed, and put to bed an elderly person who requires special care.

On the other hand, it is also working on a responsible communication manual in the media to avoid treatment that sometimes bothers and speaks of discrimination.

“Telling anyone over 60 years old, “grandpa/grandpa,” is not always something that is nice.”

Finally, he emphasized that we are facing a new era where being an older adult must have hierarchy, dignity and, above all, have knowledge of the rights that assist them.

Caring for the Caregiver

In order to avoid “Involuntary” or “Undeliberate Mistreatment” by the family and the institutions that house older adults, monthly workshops called “Caring for the Caregiver” are held by the Secretariat for the Elderly, where professionals from Different disciplines explain what are the appropriate techniques for good care.

Also the way in which the caregiver must preserve himself to prevent emotional exhaustion from overwhelming him and generating inappropriate or violent treatment of the older adult who is in his care. The workshops are free and you can register on the Facebook page “Adultos Mayores de Salta” or by WP message to cell phone 3875 651 339. To live in a better world: “Good Treatment of the Elderly. “It should be noted that this month’s dictation will be on Friday at the UPCN headquarters May 25, 36, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., it is free of charge. The talks will be given by the nurse Gabriela Chiliguay about the health aspects and then Jorge O’Brien about the legal aspects such as the need to have a diagnosis of the person to be cared for and treatment.

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