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The Cauca strip, a war zone in Colombia

The detonations returned in urban and rural areas, terror grips an entire region in southwestern Colombia. Those who say they fight for and for the people do the opposite. Jamundí in the leaks of Cali is harassed at the Potreritos police station with rifle bursts, a marked area of ​​influence of the western bloc Jacobo Arenas and the Jaime Martínez mobile column and the dissidents of Iván Mordisco in the department of Valle.

The violence in the Cauca Strip extends to other departments. A few days ago it was in the town of Robles, where a car bomb exploded. Before they had been Dagua, Pradera, La Florida and Guacarí. The latter, located in the strategic corridor of dissidents, now the area of ​​influence of the new Front 57 Jair Bermúdez, in the area adjacent to the central mountain range. But before things get better, we observe that, as the days go by, Valle and Cauca are true war zones.

“Open war is better than fake peace” anonymous. Today, the department of Cauca is where the strongest conflict is experienced, this allows us to infer that the causes for it to remain in the area can be summarized in three factors: the alliance between different armed political forces, the increase in illegal economies fueled by drug trafficking and the dispossession of land to increase cultivated areas.

Although to date, the regions affected by violence are located in Antioquia, Cesar, Norte de Santander, Bolívar and Nariño; Valle and Cauca are the most affected. Cauca burns amid the uncertainty of total peace, the president’s flagship program. So far in 2024, 12 leaders and more than 10 soldiers and police have been killed; There are 13 municipalities affected, while every day fear and hopelessness increases in the communities amid the constant threat of FARC dissidents. It is a very serious humanitarian and public order situation that most of the northern municipalities are experiencing due to the constant and excessive harassment of the terrorist group that has affected the civilian population.

The inhabitants are immersed in fear. Threatening pamphlets constantly circulate, generating more anxiety in the population. Here a wide range of crimes converge: thefts, kidnappings, even extortion that ranges between 100 thousand to 80 million depending on the victim, this in a rural area, increasingly aggravating the situation in a true condition of dehumanization of the armed conflict. . Corollary of the previous one, Cauca is our own “gaza strip” in the country.

While terrorists massacre the civilian population, kidnap and murder civilians, soldiers and police, the Indigenous Guard continues to protect their ancestral crops in a large territory without God or law, where total peace has only fueled the suffering of a people. Now it seems that not even the vice president’s helicopter flies over the skies of the department. Bad!

Tagline: I was finishing this column when I found out that the president will travel with a delegation to Europe to lobby for Palestine while Cauca in Colombia sinks into violence. Could it be that the security of our country has less value for the executive, who prefers to go looking for trouble in someone else’s house and not solve the problems of his own? Another Petroltrufiada.

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