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CORDOBA INSURANCE | Insurance companies treat one accident victim every half hour in Córdoba

Every 33 minutes and 42 seconds Last year, a person had to be treated by health services in Córdoba after suffering a accident on the road. This is reflected in the report Health care in traffic accidents produced by We are surethe insurance culture dissemination initiative of the Insurance Business Association Unespawhich reveals that Córdoba is located among the first 20 provinces Spanish cities where insurance spent the most for this type of accident, 6.2 million of euros.

According to the insurance employers’ association, at the national level, automobile insurance paid 387 million euros for health care for victims of traffic accidents in 2023, so Córdoba represents the 1.61% of the total amount paid in Spain. Barcelona is the province that spent the most (15%).

Regarding the number of files, which throughout the country were processed 918,736 (one health care for a traffic accident every 34 seconds), Córdoba represents the 1.70% of that figure, that is, one claim processed every 33 minutes and 42 seconds, according to the study. This figure represents a total of 15,618 incidents processed in the province throughout last year. Barcelona also leads this ranking with a 15.1% of the totalfollowed by the province of Malaga (9%)

Unespa clarifies that in Spain private insurance assumes the health services that the victim must receive, from the transfer to a hospital center to the treatments that are necessary, and whether the service provider is a center belonging to public health or the private.

More than half, to the public

Health care is governed by collaboration agreements reached between insurers, the Insurance Compensation Consortium (CCS) and health service providers, whether public or private. Thus, the 387 million disbursed in 2023 were distributed almost equally between public and private healthcare, according to Tirea, the technology company that manages the application through which agreements are managed (CAS). In Córdoba, of the 6.2 million total, the 50.9% (3.16 million) were allocated to public sector yel 49.1% to the private sectoror (3.04 million).

Furthermore, according to an analysis by centers or services, the San Juan de Dios Hospitalof Córdoba is the only one in the province that is among the 50 centers with the highest number of files handled, specifically, in position number 9, with 0.8% of the total incidents. Only this hospital served 7,350 injured last year, the 47% of the total. At the top is the Medical Emergency System of the Generalitat of Catalonia (2.2% of care), followed by the HM Málaga hospital in Malaga (1.4%).


Regarding seasonality, in the general calculation it can be seen that the first half of the year It is the season with the highest volume of health care for traffic accidents. If the analysis is carried out by days of the week, it is perceived that there is more attention on Thursday, Friday and Mondaydue to a greater number of movements on Spanish roads.

On the other hand, depending on the condition of the person treated, the report reveals that the 59% of attention is concentrated on drivers (guilty or not guilty), while a 29% corresponds to occupants and other 11.7%to pedestrians.

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