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ILERNA Córdoba is synonymous with training excellence

ILERNA Córdoba is synonymous with training excellenceILERNA

The Vocational training It is the best way to make things come true. Life projects. Gone are those years in which the FP was the ‘B’ plan of the education system or the best (and only) option for lost sheep.

Now Vocational Training is synonymous with the future, with employability, competitive salaries and working on what you like. The data is clear: according to the SEPE Occupations Observatory, the job insertion rate of those who choose to study an Intermediate or Higher Level training cycle is 42.2%, almost four points higher than the job placement rate of those pursuing university studies, which is 38.5%.

“We are part of one of the most important moments in the lives of our students and we must live up to it.”

Maria Gomez. Director of ILERNA Córdoba.

This, without a doubt, is very good news for more than 250,000 people who graduate in FP per year in Spain. But there’s even more. It is expected that during the next decade almost four million jobs will be created whose destination is graduates in Vocational Training, according to the study ‘FP Observatory’ prepared by CaixaBank Dualiza.

If we go down into these figures a little more detail we realize that they are still just as good. For example in Andalusia In the last six years the number of those enrolled in VET has increased by more than 40,000 and the forecast is that during the next five years some 240,000 jobs intended for technicians in Vocational Training. And if we specify even a little more we see that in Cordovaalmost half of vocational training graduates find a job during the two years after graduating.

ILERNA Córdoba training is characterized by being practical.

Thus, it is clear that Vocational Training is a perfect option to guarantee your future. However, it is necessary to take something else into account to ensure success: the training excellence. And that is precisely where it appears ILERNA Córdobareference center of the Andalusian FP.

ILERNA Córdoba, quality in teaching

With two centers in the capital of Cordoba, ILERNA Córdoba It has in its catalog a total of 19 training cycles officersboth Intermediate Grade and Higher Grade, up to six professional families different: Health; Marketing and Commerce; IT and Communications; Administration and management; Safety and Environment and Sociocultural Services. This is a training offer that is very in line with what the market demands. working market and also the student body.

However, ILERNA Córdoba stands out for something more than the cycles it teaches. She stands out above all for the quality of your teachingbased mainly on the practical learning. That is, at ILERNA you learn by doing. That is why its two centers are equipped with spaces that simulate real work environments that allow their students to train as professionals using cutting-edge material.

In the educational center, students learn by doing.

So much so, that among all the apparatusology that they use can be found, x-ray equipment, vehicles and tools for the practice of rescues, dental chairs, computer equipment that incorporates the most modern software or cranes for transferring patients, etc.

«We are part of one of the most important moments of the lives of our students and we must live up to it. In our center, students enjoy professional material. The same one they will encounter once they join the labor market. In addition, we also try train them for the real world teaching them to work as a team and foster a critical and analytical spirit,” explains the director by ILERNA Córdoba, Maria Gomez.

Update, support and professional quality

It is also necessary to emphasize that practical training would be of no use without a qualified teaching team. For this reason, the ILERNA Córdoba teaching team has real experience in the subject he teaches. This, therefore, also gives students a real vision of the labor sector which they will join in the future.

Currently, the registration period for both centers remains open.

In the same way, and added to the practice-based training and an experienced teaching team, we must add two more essential aspects that also distinguish ILERNA Córdoba: the constant updating the syllabus so that they are up to date with what the labor market demands and the accompaniment constant that all students receive from the entire center staff.

ILERNA Córdoba students put the knowledge learned into practice.

Currently, the registration period for ILERNA Córdoba centers is open. Can arrange a visit either Ask for more information calling 957 27 03 00.

ILERNA Córdoba is part of the ILERNA group, with more than 50 years in the education sector, more than 150,000 graduated students and with centers in Barcelona, ​​Córdoba, Lleida, Madrid, Tarragona, Cádiz and Valladolid.

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