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The livestock trade of Córdoba and Sucre shows a significant increase in 2024

In May, the supply of top quality cattle at auctions it reached 41,104 headswhich represents a 73% increase compared to April and a 7.5% more than the 38,220 in May 2023. Of these, Córdoba contributed 29,561 heads (72%) and Sucre 11,543 (28%), as noted by the Observatory of Agrarian Prices and Costs (OPCA) of the University of Córdoba.

Regarding the distribution by sex, they were auctioned 22,985 males (56%) and 18,119 females (44%). In detail, in Córdoba 16,239 males and 13,322 females were auctioned, while in Sucre the figures were 6,646 males and 4,797 females. (Read in WITHlivestock context: Average price of livestock at auctions. Week June 1-7, 2024)

The second quality livestock offer also experienced a increasereaching 7,772 animals, a 15% more than in April, although still 40% below the figures for May 2023, when 13,014 heads were auctioned. By department, the distribution is as follows: Córdoba with 3,895 heads, and Sucre with 3,877.

In the Colombian Caribbean region (including Córdoba, Sucre, Bolívar, and Cesar) and Antioquia, A total of 84,018 animals were auctioned in May. Of these, 43,659 (52%) were marketed in the Caribbean and 40,359 (48%) in Antioquia. Compared to April, total supply grew by 43%, and compared to May of the previous year – by 11%.

Price index and trends

The price index received by the producer showed a mixed behavior. While prices for rearing and fattening males fell 4.2% and 0.9% respectively, others such as prebaitthe rising femalethat of belly and the Scotch barley (2 ¾ and 3 years old) showed increases. The prebait has been rising for 4 months, the belly female and the escotera, for 3 months.

The nominal price per kilogram of livestock has shown an upward trend in all categories during the period from January to May 2024, exceeding the levels at the beginning of the year. For example, the price of male rearing increased by $216, pre-baiting increased by $386 and fattening increased by $257. Similarly, the prices of female levain, belly and escotera also registered increases of $386, $18 and $202, respectively.

Although inflation for livestock producers grew by 0.7% between April and May, the increase in the nominal price per kilo allowed an increase in the real price, measured in constant 2014 pesos, for all categories, except the female belly, which decreased $3. Growth in real price They were $93 for the male lift, $177 for the pre-baiting, $114 for the baiting, $154 for the female lift and $89 for the escoteras.

In Antioch, both the nominal and real prices of male fattening increased at auctions, but they decreased at fairs: $33 and $32, respectively. (Read in WITHlivestock context: Livestock trade in Córdoba and Sucre: rebound in supply and prices in April)

Real price cycle of the fattened male

The real price cycle of fed male cattle has shown a declining phase since May-July 2022, although it has evolved at positive but decreasing rates in the last 24 months. In May 2024, the annual growth rate of the real price showed negative values ​​in producing areas such as Córdoba, Sucre, the Caribbean and Urabá-Caucasia, as well as at the Medellín fair.

The performance of the price of livestock is influenced by the behavior of exports: when they increase, the price also increases; When foreign trade is reduced, the impact is seen in the payment to ranchers. Thus, although marketing has had a mixed behavior, its average levels have been higher than the historical levels of 2009-2020, which has made the price of livestock better for producers in the Colombian Caribbean.

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