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Two candidates aspire to be the older brother of the Agonía de Córdoba

There are two candidates for eldest brother of Agony and a date, July 7, on the horizon. David Carbonero Castaño and Luis Casillas Sierra aspire to occupy this position after the elections, as officially proclaimed on Tuesday by the electoral board.

David Carbonero is the brother of Francisco Carbonero, former older brother of the Agonía and former foreman of the pallium of the Virgin of Health. The dismissal of Francisco Carbonero Last year at the hands of the management board it raised a great controversy within the brotherhood.

Carbonero is the representative of the part of the brotherhood that has been asking for elections of the management board all this time. And he advocates one round to what existed before this period of Matías Casillas and the managing board.

It was in September from 2022 when elections were held for big brother with two candidates: Matías Casillas Ortiz, who represented the continuity of Francisco Carbonero’s project and won, and Manuel Cuenca.

For personal reasons, Casillas resigned in just three months, in December. The Bishopric indicated that elections should be called by the abbreviated procedure, but there were no candidates on that occasion and a manager was appointed chaired by Manuel Cuenca, the candidate defeated in the elections, and who had previously been an older brother.

La Agonía was one of the few brotherhoods in Córdoba that was able to begin performing a season of penance on Holy Tuesday (although then the rain made an appearance and they took refuge in the Cathedral), and the number of Nazarenes was similar to that of other years.


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