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Beatriz Fernández Aucejo, on tour with the Córdoba Orchestra

Beatriz Fernández Aucejo © May Zircus

With a program that includes Rodrigo’s Aranjuez Concerto, with guitarist Álvaro Toscano as soloist, and Symphony no. Mozart 40

Beatriz Fernández Aucejo will direct the Córdoba Orchestra on a tour of the province that will stop in seven municipalities. The program will be composed of the Aranjuez’s concert by Joaquín Rodrigowith the Cordoban guitarist Alvaro Toscano as a soloist, and Symphony no. 40 from Mozart.

Beatriz Fernández Aucejo emphasizes that ‘it is very special for me, as a Valencian, to direct this year the Aranjuez’s concert from maestro Rodrigo; It will be like paying tribute to him in the 25th anniversary of his death‘.

The director highlights that she is ‘very excited about this tour in which we will offer this work, with the guitarist Álvaro Toscano, one of the most beautiful and recognized pieces in the world; as well as one of Mozart’s reference symphonies, in concerts that I’m sure the audience will enjoy it a lot.‘.

This tour of the Córdoba Orchestra in the province is an activity that is part of the collaboration agreement signed between the Delegation of Culture of the Provincial Council of Córdoba and training. Gabriel Duque, head of the Culture Area, stated that ‘the Córdoba Orchestra will address one of the most important works of Spanish music and the first work written by the composer Joaquín Rodrigo for guitar and orchestra’. The program will be completed ‘with one of the most iconic symphonies of the classical period, which stands out for its emotional intensity and its innovative structure for the time.’

Fernández Aucejo has already taken charge of the Córdoba group, with the guitarist Daniel Casares as a soloist, to pay tribute to Paco de Lucia directing Rodrigo’s work in the Central Theater of Sevilleat an event organized by the Andalusian Flamenco Institute last May 25.

Now he will do it on this concert tour that will begin today, June 13, in Almedinillaand will continue in the towns of Mrs. Mencia (day 14), Aguilar de la Frontera (day 15) and Almodóvar del Río on (the 16th).

In the month of Septemberthe Córdoba Orchestra, under the baton of Juan Pablo Valenciawill perform in Hinojosa del Duque (day 13), Genil Bridge (day 14) and this initiative will end in Pedroche (day 15).

Other commitments of Beatriz Fernández Aucejo

Likewise, the Valencian director, who has recently been in charge of the Démos Orchester de la Philharmonie de Paris in Marseille and National Orchestra of Spain at the National Music Auditorium, he will also direct the French formation at the Grande Salle Pierre Boulez of the Philharmonie in the French capital, the June 23.

Among Fernández Aucejo’s commitments for the next season, it is worth highlighting the concerts he will perform with the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville, Barcelona and National Symphony Orchestra of Catalonia, San Diego Symphony Orchestra, Valencia Orchestra, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlinamong others, and different collaborations in countries such as South Korea, Mexico and France.

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