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Threat of unemployment in Catatumbo has not gone away


There are several social and peasant organizations that are asking the national government for more support for the Catatumbo region. Support that would be reflected in projects and even in declaration of social, economic and ecological emergency to benefit hundreds of farmers who were dedicated to growing coca and now seek to reach licit crops.

However, the delays in the national government’s compliance with what was agreed months ago in the Catatumbo Interlocution Tablehave created tensions that have even motivated people to take action.

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“For now we are waiting to see how (the dialogues) with the government progress. Remember that we are several sectors at the table,” he said. Junior Maldonado member of the Ascamcat Political Commission.

He highlighted that “there are sectors that are also waiting for answers on other issues that they are raising with the government. For now we are in Permanent Assembly waiting how the government’s responses evolve and in that sense being able to determine if yes or no (there is a strike) depending also on the responses at the end of June, from the national government”.

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Asuncat (Association of Peasant Unity of Catatumbo)another of the social organizations, threatened the previous weekend to make this strike a reality due to the constant empty chairs that various ministries have left for the members of the MIC (Catatumbo Interlocution Table).


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