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Cristina Kirchner targeted the two Peronist senators who voted in favor of the Bases Law


After the approval of the Base Law and the fiscal package in the Senate, Cristina Kirchner he targeted the Peronist senators Edgardo Kueider and Carlos Mauricio Espínola, who voted in favor of the official project. Through a repost, the former president criticized indirectly to the parliamentarians for having supported the Government’s regulatory package.

The former official gave approval to a publication on the social network X in which they said that if two candidates in particular had been elected as senators “We would not be begging for you not to vote for the delivery of the Homeland”.

Cristina Kirchner targeted the two Peronist senators who voted in favor of the Bases Lawcapture

Among the 36 legislators who voted in favor of the Base Law were those of the Federal Union, senators “Camau” Espíndola, Kueider and Alejandra Vigo. In the case of men, until last year they had been part of the block of senators of the Frente de Todos, so their current decision to support the initiative of the management of Javier Milei It was not well received in the opposition.

The deputy Cecilia Moreau (UxP) said this Wednesday, before the vice president broke the tie vote and the Base Law was approved. “There is a lot of talk about [Martín] Lousteau because he is known, but here we have two senators who entered with the UxP ticket and who are going to vote in favor. “They are going to become traitors to the country.”said the legislator in an interview.

Kueider entered the Upper House on December 10, 2019 for the Frente de Todos, while Espínola has been a member of that Legislative Branch since 2015, at that time for the Front for Victory led by Cristina Kirchner. In 2021 he renewed his bench for another six years.

Thirteen hours after a grueling debate, the electronic board of the Upper House marked 36 votes in favor and 36 against. As established by the regulations, a new vote was carried out again, which again ended in a tie. It was then that the vice president broke the parity by giving her approval to the project.

“For those Argentines who suffer, who wait, who do not want to see their children leave the country, for those Argentines who want to recover the pride of being Argentine, my vote is affirmative,” stated the vice president before breaking the parity, in the middle of the loud claims of the Kirchnerist bench, which opposed Villarruel basing his vote.


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