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Attacks continue in Cauca

The public order situation in the department of Cauca was also tense this Wednesday after terrorist actions occurred in the municipalities of Cajibío, Suárez and Argelia.

In Cajibío, the FARC dissidents attacked the Police Station of this town for more than two hours with explosives and rifle rounds.

According to the authorities, alleged members of the Jaime Martínez front of the Central General Staff, reached the urban area of ​​the town and, hiding behind vehicles and buildings, shot at the Police facilities.

Several helicopters were sent to the area from Popayán to support the uniformed personnel on the ground in the midst of the harassment.

The municipal administration yesterday carried out a balance to determine how many homes.
The preliminary balance is a house destroyed by a cylinder that fell on it and at least fifteen damaged by rifle shots and the waves of the explosions.

Likewise, it was determined to suspend classes in several educational institutions and public and private entities to cancel in-person service to users.

The governor of Cauca, Octavio Guzmán said that “thanks to the fact that our Public Force has been reinforced in number of units and rapid air support was provided, it was possible to contain the actions of these criminal groups that attack our population without measure, until now. This fact only leaves material damage, especially damage to homes.”

The attack began around two in the morning and lasted until the early hours of the morning, when the Army arrived in the urban area and the clashes moved to the rural area.

No injuries or deaths were reported.

In Suarez

On the other hand, the authorities reported an attack with explosives launched from drones against the Army in the municipality of Suárez.

During these terrorist actions, two minors and one adult suffered injuries: a one-month-old baby, a seven-year-old girl and an adult, who were referred to the medical center to receive care for stunning.

Regarding this situation, the Secretary of the Government of Cauca, Miller Hurtado, stated that “what has been confirmed to us is that an armed group used this type of device to launch the devices, one of them fell very close to the hospital, causing stunning the people. “Three people were treated and are out of danger.”

In addition, the Army confirmed that two soldiers were injured after a drone attack in El Pepinal, a rural area of ​​Argelia, Cauca.


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