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In the Troncal they marched for Peace

As announced this Wednesday, the day of protest scheduled for 48 hours by the inhabitants of the 42 villages of the Caribbean Trunk began.Guachaca area, to which were added those from the townships of Minca and Bonda, to draw the attention of the district, departmental and national authorities, mainly President Gustavo Petro.
During the march, attendees waved the flags of Colombia, Santa Marta and Asocumunales.

With these actions, with which traffic on the road between Santa Marta and La Guajira, the entrance sector to Tayrona Park, has been paralyzed in stages, it is sought that the central government install a dialogue table for the implementation of Peace Total, as has been done in other areas of the country.

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“We began this peaceful day of protest for 48 hours so that the national government headed by President Gustavo Petro takes us into account for the implementation of the so-called Total Peace, so that the Sierra Nevada does not become another Cauca, we avoid seeing ourselves in amidst the crossfire between the Public Force and the armed groups. “We want peace in our territory,” said Alex Pinzón, community leader.

The requests during the Peace March were clear and direct for President Gustavo Petro.

For his part, Romualdo Macías, social leader of the sector, pointed out that, “It is time to stop stigmatizing all of us inhabitants of this part of the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and linking us with armed groups outside the law. In this area of ​​Santa Marta we live good people who want a better future for our children.”

Each and every one of the paths in the Caribbean Trunk area in Guachaca were on the tour.

Likewise, another community leader identified as Oscar Uribe urged President Petro to put his hand on his heart and look towards the paths and townships of the rural area of ​​Santa Marta to achieve the goal that is so longed for in that area. .

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“We want the president to come with his entourage so that, once and for all, we can begin to build peace, and demonstrate that the Sierra is just that, a territory of peace.”said Uribe.

Hundreds of motorcyclists from the region joined the march that covered the Caribbean Trunk, more than eight kilometers.

Councilors José Alfredo Ordoñez and Howard Escarraga were present at the event, which was supervised by the District Person’s Office, the Ombudsman’s Office, the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia of the Organization of American States (MAPP OAS), among others. , who made their voice known in support of the requests that the communities of the Sierra Nevada have been making.

The community leaders of that rural sector of Santa Marta took the lead to ask President Gustavo Petro for Peace.

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