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Frontal system: Government declared a State of Catastrophe from Coquimbo to Ñuble

The Government declared this Thursday disaster zone from the regions of Coquimbo to Ñuble by the intense frontal system that affects a large part of the country in the last hours.

These regions they join the Biobío, which was already under this measure due to the effects caused by rainssuch as mass removals and serious flooding.

“After the evaluation that has been made in these hours, It has been decided that between the Coquimbo Region and the Ñuble Region we will immediately declare a disaster area. We have already signed the decree to make it like this,” the vice president confirmed this morning. Carolina Tohá.

As explained by the authority, this measure will allow “further facilitate all administrative processes to make purchases, contracts, have certain types of instructions and be able to face what awaits us during the day.

Likewise, he highlighted the importance of comply with evacuation calls by activating SAE alarmensuring that “it has allowed that in all the places where we have had overflows – which have been important – we have not had people affected“.

“It is very important during the day that these instructions are followed,” said Tohá at a press conference, in which he also recalled that There are “classes completely suspended in the central zonewhich should make it easier for us to have less trips on the streets.”

The call is to those who do not have to go out not to do soand provide – as far as possible – all the facilities so that people have to move as little as possible during these hours,” the minister requested.

He also noted that “We are going to have authorities deployed between the regions of Biobío and Coquimbowith a permanent presence and teams in all places acting quickly.

Finally, he reported that “The Early Aid Committee will be established today“, highlighting that “as reported by the President of the Republic, we are already entering that phase in the Biobío region, but over the course of the hours we will evaluate what happens in the rest of the regions.”


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