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The labor reform advanced in the Chamber with changes in fixed-term contracts

On the second day of the debate on labor reform in the Seventh Committee of the House of Representatives, The Government’s proposal managed to get just over 40% of the articles approved, but it ended with the elimination of two points from the original proposal.

One of the 42 articles that were approved on the most recent day, and that generated the most consensus, was number six, which talks about fixed-term contracts, and which modified the maximum duration for this contractual modality, going from three to four years of validity.

Another of those approved was article 22, which refers to protection against discrimination, and which had the approval of the Government with an endorsed proposition, leaving protected: pregnant women, workers who profess a religion and victims of gender-based violence.

“Job stability is reaffirmed on the basis that the indefinite contract is maintained. The fixed-term contract was modified, it is up to the employer’s needs and it is proposed that the maximum term be changed from three years to four years. It is important that family work is embraced. Regarding gender, care work was adopted, especially in the rural and peasant sector,” declared the Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez.

Another was article 60, which regulates remote work modalities and 62 on labor and union guarantees for these employees. Within the approved blocks are articles 6, 14, 17, 51, 55 and 61, with endorsed propositions, and that, among other things, They regulate issues such as connectivity payment assistance for those who earn less than two minimum wages, labor guarantees for people with disabilities and protection for women victims of harassment in their jobs.

“People who earn less than two salaries will have a substitute for transportation assistance to be connectivity assistance. In 62 another complementary aid is proposed to pay for this issue or for the payment of public services. It is important to highlight article 55, which establishes that special populations be provided with guarantees, such as protection for women who suffer harassment or gender violence,” said the representative for the department of Valle, Alfredo Mondragón.

Within the discussion, the elimination of two articles from the original presentation was approved, they were numbers 9 and 10, The first regulated sanctions to employers for late payment of severance pay and the second addressed issues of discriminatory dismissals.

There would be special contracts for artists, athletes and journalists

The discussion of labor reform has a particular point for workers in social communication, journalism, athletes or artists, and it proposes a special contract model, since these jobs are carried out under different conditions, when compared to other jobs.

These are articles 46 and 47, which aim to include as work or working hours all activities that occur when the worker is under the orders of the employer. These points asked to be discussed individually.

Until the second day of debate, on the text of the labor reform, 40% of the project has been approved.

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