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This is the Undergraduate and Postgraduate academic offer for the 2024-25 academic year of the University of Córdoba

This Thursday, the University of Córdoba presented the news in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate academic offer for the 2024-25 academic year. These developments respond, according to the vice-rector for Undergraduate Studies, Quality and Teaching Innovation, Jesús Dorado Martín, to the “new regulatory scenario” that allows, among other innovations, that universities can develop strategies such as official degree titles with specific itineraries. As the rector emphasized, Manuel Torralbo“allows the UCO to make its academic offer more attractive and competitive.”

Thus, for the 2024-25 academic year, the University of Córdoba offers 46 official Bachelor’s degrees, of which 35 are simple, 3 with bilingual itineraries and another 2 with hybrid and virtual modalities; and 11 double degrees.

In the offer of master’s degrees, for the new campaign, there will be 57 officers, of which 7 have a qualifying nature and 2 are Erasmus Mundus; along with 13 Postgraduate programs.

New mention in Agri-Food Biotechnology

The UCO completes its training offer in Biotechnology incorporating the mention in Agri-Food Biotechnology in the Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Forestry Engineering for students of the Degree in Agri-Food and Rural Engineering next academic year 2024-2025.

This new mention is taken together with one of the four qualifying mentions that graduates in Agri-Food and Rural Engineering with professional responsibilities can choose, as explained by the director of the Higher Technical School in Agricultural and Forestry Engineering, Carmen del Campillo García. .

New dual mentions in the Faculty of Sciences

Although the mandatory report from the Andalusian Government is still pending, it is expected that for the next academic year there will be new mentions, some of them dual, in the Degrees in Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences taught in the Faculty of Sciences.

For biology There will be two mentions in Biodiversity and Ecosystems and another in Molecular, Cellular and Systems Biology, which are located mainly in the last year. Electives adapted to new trends have been included, such as Data Sciences applied to Biology, Use of Advanced Computer Tools in Ecology, Conservation Biology and Immunotechnology.

The dean of the Faculty of Sciences, María Paz Aguilar Caballos, has reported that, for the Degrees in Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, dual mentions will be implemented that will allow fourth-year students to develop their training work in a company.

The dean explained that these mentions will allow the University and its students to get even closer to the business fabric of the province. To do this, they have the collaboration of top-level companies such as Covap, Infrico, Keyter Intaron, Plastienvase, Acesur, Grupo Puma, Aceitunas Torrent and Daregal Ibérica SL.

New Logistics mention

The Higher Polytechnic School of Belmez (EPSB) incorporates as a novelty for the 2024-2025 academic year a new mention in Transportation, Urban Services and Logistics in the Degree in Civil Engineering, which represents a specialization of approximately two courses in this area and is unique in Spain. In addition, it is the only University Degree in the Andalusian system that offers logistics-related studies as a specialty.

The new mention has express support for the implementation of the Professional Colleges in the field of Civil Engineering, Confederation of Businessmen of Córdoba, Logistics Support Command of the Army of the Ministry of Defense, Red Logística de Andalucía SA and purely exporting companies with factories located in Córdoba, such as Cunext and Hitachi.

Three new Master’s and Doctorate degrees

Postgraduate training is also expanded and diversified for the next academic year. The vice-rector of Postgraduate Studies, Cristina Aguilar Porro, has detailed that three new degrees will be taught: the Master’s degree in Research and Innovation in Physical Educationtaught entirely by the UCO, and two joint degrees with other universities: Health Chemistry and online Specialization in Cultural Management, Research and Advanced Professional Practice. With all this, the UCO offers 57 official master’s degrees for the next academic year, 7 of which are qualifying and 2 are Erasmus Mundus.

Likewise, as a novelty, next year the Double will be offered again Master in Law and Business Legal Advice and Advice, Therefore, the academic institution will have 19 double qualifications and research master’s degrees.

The vice-rector has highlighted as a very notable milestone the offer of the first dual mentions in master’s degreesspecifically, in the Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering, the Master’s Degree in Forestry Engineering, and the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering.

Finally, regarding Doctorate studies, the University of Córdoba will launch a new course next year Doctoral Program in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. This is the first doctoral program that covers the three disciplines taught in Andalusia.

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