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How was the vote of each of the senators of Córdoba

During a marathon session that began on Wednesday morning, finally this morning the Senate ended up voting in favor of the Bases Law promoted by the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza (LLA).

The vote was very close until the last minute, and finally ended in a tie of 36 votes, which was decided by the vice president and head of the body, Victoria Villarruel.

With that tie-breaking vote, the ruling party managed to approve the “base law” with several changes granted by the Government yesterday, to achieve the approval of the regulations that it considers key in its government scheme.

See: Base Law: one by one how each of the senators voted

The composition of the rejection vote against the Bases Law was formed by the Citizen Unity bloc, led by Juliana Di Tullio, and the National and Popular Front, led by José Mayans. Both make up an interbloc of 33 senators who were joined by the Santa Cruz bloc, which is made up of José María Carambia and Natalia Gadano, and the radical Martín Lousteau.

On the other hand, La Libertad Avanza (LLA) managed to gather 36 adhesions after the maneuver of Carambia and Gadano who on Tuesday gave the surprise by breaking the floor of 38 votes that the Casa Rosada had, since Lousteau had already warned that he would present his own opinion, making it clear that he would vote against the project and defend his own text in the session.

Cordoba: once again key to the triumph of La Libertad Avanza

In the case of the three senators representing the province of Córdoba, they voted in favor of the initiative, repeating strong support for the national government and the economic model carried out by Javier Milei of very strong adjustment, tariff liberalization, elimination of subsidies and liquefaction. ´n salaries and pensions.

Both senators Carmen Álvarez Rivero and Luis Alfredo Juez (PRO), as well as the wife of former governor Juan Schiaretti, Alejandra Vigo (Federal Unit), supported the initiative of the libertarian government.

In total, the votes that supported LLA came from radicalism, which contributed 12 votes for the general; six from the PRO; three from Federal Exchange; one from Comunidad Neuquén, with Lucila Crexell; two from the Renewal Front of Concordia; one of Together We Are Río Negro; one from For Social Justice; three from the Federal Unit; and the seven libertarians. Villarruel’s vote was added to this number to reach 37 against the 36 opponents.

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