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what it’s like to give love to the children of Casa Cuna

“When I talk about the solidarity of San Juan, I get goosebumps, it’s because I get emotional when I remember everything they have always helped us,” with these words Liliana Moreno, president of Casa Cuna, defined the essence of solidarity that she perceives in the sanjuaninos.

Liliana has been working in this entity for 35 years, where they provide assistance and love to children from zero to six years old. Throughout so much time this woman learned the stories of hundreds of children who were cared for at Casa Cuna and then were given to her new families.

Liliana Moreno has been collaborating with Casa Cuna for 35 years. Photo: Courtesy.

But that’s not all because in addition to being moved by the love they give to these children, Liliana had thousands of examples of the solidarity of the people of San Juan. “Whenever we have asked for help for something, we have received donations, special collaborations and over the years there have always been volunteers who have helped us with the care of the children,” said the woman, who also said that she began to collaborate with Casa Cuna thanks to a dear friend who showed her how the institution works.

Liliana highlighted that currently in the entity there are 20 people who work in the Commission and more than 30 volunteers who are in charge of taking care of the children who come to this institution because they do not have a family to support them. “At this moment we have four babies under one year of age in our care,” said the president.

Casa Cuna has more than 50 volunteers. Photo: Courtesy.

The babies in this house need everything, from diapers and milk to any other special care that may require some difficulty with their health. Although there are many expenses, they were always able to cover them thanks to the help of all the members of the institution and the community in general that always contributes their grain of sand in the multiple solidarity campaigns that the House has started.

But that’s not all because in addition to the material, at Casa Cuna love and support is provided to the children. “You get attached to the little ones, but we know that at some point they have to go with their new family and beyond the fact that we will miss them, we know that it is for their good,” explained this woman who knew the history of hundreds of children up close. children and saw them start over when they were placed in the arms of the family that chose them.

Casa Cuna also gives donations to people in need. Photo: Courtesy.

When asked what makes the people of San Juan contribute selflessly to help institutions like Casa Cuna, Liliana explained that: “we have always trusted that people will help us. I think that Argentines are supportive, but in In the case of San Juan, that is more noticeable. I don’t know if it is because we are a small province, we know each other better and we are moved by the need for each other,” he concluded.

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