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The Province promotes financing lines to support all productive sectors

The executive coordinator of the Ministry of Production and Sustainable Development and head of the Financing and Investment Promotion Unit, Nicolas Sivilatogether with the technical team, provided details to members of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Salta, about the management of different lines of credit that the province has.

With the presence of the head of the entity, Gustavo Herrera, a meeting was held in which amounts, refund facilities, rates were announced and details of each of the lines that are in force were specified, both their own and those offered by the Federal Investment Council (CFI). . Likewise, those present made inquiries about the different modalities, forms of access and requirements that must be fulfilled in order to extend the requests.

On this occasion, information was provided on the “Credits for Productive Development of MiPyMEs”, from the Provincial Investment Fund, which grant up to 15 million pesos, and are intended for industrial, agricultural, mining and production services firms.

Also, the “Commercial Working Capital” line that finances the investment in work assets through the application of discounts on individual deferred checks issued by the applicant. Up to 4 million pesos can be managed and is aimed at commercial firms that carry out their activity in the provincial territory.

Regarding the financing lines of the Federal Investment Council, those of the program for the Productive and Financial Development of Women, and CFI Credits for Value Chains, stood out.

Sivila indicated that the Financing Unit seeks to “maintain periodic meetings with different sectors important for productive development, since the province can grant loans at very beneficial rates, which can strengthen different activities not only of companies, but also of entrepreneurs.” . “Our idea is to approach as many sectors as possible since we can provide facilities for the repayment of loans and this also provides a benefit to the economic activity of Salta,” he stressed.


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