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This is how Colombia is in terms of unemployment, according to the OECD

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published the most recent unemployment figures for the bloc, result that remained stable during April at 4.9%. This has remained below 5% since the same month of 2022.

(See: Did you know about unemployment benefits? So you can apply for it and receive almost $2 million)

Unemployment remained broadly unchanged in 25 member countries, decreased in four nations and increased in three. In addition, the number of unemployed was slightly reduced to a total of 34.1 million.

In the case of Colombia, The OECD reported that the country remains among the members with the highest unemployment rate, being the third with a rate of 10.3%. Although the figure decreased compared to 11.2% in March, it also decreased compared to the same month of the previous year, which closed at 10.4%. In addition, they highlight that the largest drop in the number of unemployed was in the country.

(See more: Unemployment in Colombia remained at 10.6% for April)

Above Colombia are only Spain, which for that month had an unemployment rate of 11.7% and Greece which obtained 10.8% during April.

Regarding the European Union and the euro zone, the unemployment rate remained at historic lows of 6% and 6.4%, respectively. Furthermore, in most of the countries in this territory the rate did not change, while in Ireland there was an increase and in Austria and Italy there were decreases.

(Read: Global unemployment rate will fall in 2024, according to new ILO projections)

Compared to Canada and the United States, unemployment also remained “practically” stable in May of this year in 6.2% and 4%, respectively.


PHOTO: iStock

Unemployment of men, women and youth

Within the OECD report it is possible to see unemployment rates according to sex. In that sense, Colombia also makes up the countries with the highest data, especially, in women where the figure reached 12.9%, compared to men, which was 8.3%.

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Only Spain and Greece are above the country, although in an inverted manner compared to the general figure. In this way, in the first country the unemployment rate of for women it was 13%, compared to 10.5% for men.

While Greece maintains the highest levels, registering an unemployment rate for women of 13.4% and for men of 8.5%.

“In OECD countries it remained practically stable for both women and men at 5.1% and 4.7% respectively in April. The gender gap, defined by the difference between the unemployment rates of women and men, was positive in the European Union, the euro zone and in 19 OECD countries.“, they say.

(Read: Labor informality in Colombia, close to falling into a scenario of stagnation)

On the other hand, the youth unemployment rate, for people between 15 and 24 years old, was recorded as high above 20% in nine member countries during April. “A few countries such as Ireland, Lithuania, New Zealand and Norway experienced a sharp increase of more than 1.0 percentage point“, they conclude.

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