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Bullrich defended the operation in Congress and targeted the deputies who confronted the police


The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrichfirmly defended the police procedure that was deployed this Wednesday afternoon outside Congress, in the midst of the debate over the Base Lawto disperse the different columns of protesters. “It was an operation of excellence”, he highlighted. At the same time, aimed against the Kirchnerist deputies who participated in the incidents: “They got in the middle as if they were an authority telling the security forces what to do, messing with their legislators’ documents as if that gave them immunity”.

“That generated a situation of acceptance of violence by the deputies who put themselves in the middle instead of calming the waters,” added Bullrich in dialogue with LN+. In the midst of the tension, the Union for the Homeland deputy was seen German Martinez and his blockmates Carlos Castagneto, Eduardo Valdes and Leopoldo Moreau. Legislators Luis Basterra, Juan Manuel Pedrini and deputy Carolina Yutrovic were also hit by the gas. All of them from Union for the Homeland.

“The objective they had was to adjourn the session, so we were not going to give them the benefit they wanted. We were not going to let them get away with adjourning the session, which they tried to do on several occasions. The deputies acted like fools, saying ‘I’m a national deputy, dad’, and what does it matter to me that you are a national deputy? You are in flagrante delicto. “A national deputy believes he is more than a person and intervenes and insults the police,” Bullrich said.

“The security forces were excellent, with professionalism, with prudence, but also without hesitation when you had to go to attack and not let them take over Congress,” he highlighted. The minister said that prior to the demonstration, an investigation was organized: “We had information that there were groups that had gone with all kinds of materials.” And she added: “We worked hard because we knew, as the president of the nation said, that it is a coup d’état like modern ones with permanent wear and tear to generate a situation in which the State loses the capacity to act”.

The situation around Congress after the incidents between protesters and the policeHernán Zenteno – LA NACION

Bullrich highlighted the actions of the members of the different security forces for their “orderly action” in the face of the attack they received from the most violent protesters with stones, sticks, Molotov cocktails, cut wires and tear gas. “From there, we made a decision that was to go out to confront and disperse that demonstration without leaving Congress uncovered.”

Treatment of the Law Bases in the Senate of the Nation;.. View of the different social organizations that demonstrate against the LawRicardo Pristupluk

For the cabinet official Javier Milei, Those responsible for the incidents that occurred yesterday afternoon “are Kirchnerism, are the leftist movements and the organizers of the march, which were the unions”. Despite this criticism, Bullrich acknowledged that the union members “left early, for which we thank them,” but asked them to be aware “that they are the instigators of violence to the extent that they generate a discourse of wanting to overthrow the government because they do not like the things that the government decides. “The unions first have a fire and then they leave,” he said.

Bullrich assured that they have identified the groups that carried out the incidents, many of them directly related to Kirchnerism, and that this information will be provided to the Justice Department so that it can be incorporated into the file that was left in the hands of Judge María Servini. The official indicated that From the portfolio he directs, the sedition case will be promoted, but not only for the 29 detainees. He said that the cameras will be analyzed in detail to identify those who set fire to the vehicles and those who threw stones.

Incidents and detainees near Congress during the debate over the Bases LawHernán Zenteno – LA NACION

Incidents in the Congress area during the debate over the Bases LawHernán Zenteno – LA NACION

“It seems to me that in Justice there is a will to order Argentina, to not allow violence as a methodology for dismissing institutions. I think they are going to act with all the rigor of the law. Yesterday, the security minister of the province of Buenos Aires and the head of government of the City with whom I was in contact accompanied the operation well,” the minister indicated about the joint work. Bullrich explained that there were almost a hundred buses that did not enter the City because they did not have the corresponding authorizations.

About the incident with the female police officers who were beaten when they tried to enter the bathroom of a barthe minister assured that those who attacked them were protesters. “If they had entered a pizzeria where there were ordinary citizens they would have applauded them”said.

These are two agents of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA)

Bullrich did not mince words to recognize the work of the security personnel: “The forces were professional, careful, all armed from a monitoring and control command of the Federal Police.” He said that each particular force advanced on the ground in accordance with a precise order given to them by a command that tells them how to move and where. “The order they had was firmness and prudence, because we had to be firm, but be prudent because the objective that those inside and outside had was, by not being able to stop the vote on the law, to stop it by force of violence. ”said.

Yesterday was an important daybut we know that these three and a half years that we have ahead of us we are going to have to work every day in this circumstance, because the objective is every day to try to wear down the government so that it did not achieve the objectives of transformation and change that will bring about forever these violent people from the political map of Argentina,” added Bullrich.

They [por algunos de los manifestantes] They knew that the law was lost and they wanted it not to come out through violence. Those who spoke to say that we infiltrated people will see when the background information comes out, they know them one by one,” he attacked.


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